Cmdline.txt where is it?

Thank you for some light on the problem!

So I was lucky I have distribution of OpenWrt with uInitrd so I could adapt it to my needs. If I did not have it and fsck is hard coded inside somewhere I could not do anything....

I disagree with locking SD card. You know, "sh*t happens" and it was not once rapsi or orangepi stoped working because of power failure. Once it is locked there is no way to make it not working. I speak about NAND devices (SD card)
Yes, story is completela different with flash devices (NOR) - I have never had any problem and I have a small router A5V11 running Oscam which I remove from power 2 - 3 times a day when I watch TV. No problem in 5 years. Bui I DO remember I tried to activate write protection pin on 8MB flash and it was not booting. I did not have at that time console so I do not know why, byt as I said no problem with NOR based devices.
Now I am sure small OrangePiZer SoftEther server will never go wrong! And if yes, I can use programmble power socket 230V and I can rebooted hard way every day at say 03:00 o'clock... :slight_smile: