Client Wifi (Internet Connection) to Wifi

I want to extend my Wifi in NAT-Mode
I set up

eth0: LAN DHCP
radio0: AC in Bridge Mode with LAN
radio1: DHCP-Client with wwan Interface

The internet connection is very slow. Does anyone know how to improve the speed?

Yes - use a non-USB device.

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And if you are a Raspberry Pi fan, before you go on and get the "dual-band" Raspberry Pi 3 B+, be advised that you cannot use both bands simultaneously.

But you can have both STA and Master WiFi on the same radio, I think, right?

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I only get download speed at about 500 k/bits. Is this caused by the USB device or can I improve the connection on in other way?

I tried to have both STA and Master WiFi on the same Channel and radio. I couldn't connect to the created AP and the Openwrt didn't connect to the router with Internet anymore. Do you have a solution for this problem?

That's about the max speed in one direction for a USB 1.0 connection. You're describing normal behavior.

Does your router have USB 2.0 or 3.0 ports?

My router has USB 2.0