CeroWrt II - would anyone care?


My ISP (Centurylink) can't seem to be bothered to put in anything faster than shitty old copper lines in my rural area. I'm not in a poor country either, I am one of the estimated 40+ million people in the US who do not have access to broadband internet (which considered to be 25 mbps down, 3 mbps up by the US gov).

Centurylink has collected tax dollars for improving infrastructure in rural areas, but they have still failed to meet even just the minimum requirements. - https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2020/01/centurylink-frontier-took-fcc-cash-failed-to-deploy-all-required-broadband/

Another thing is, Centurylink has also bought a whole bunch of companies. That money could be far better spent on upgrading rural infrastructure. - https://www.crunchbase.com/search/acquisitions/field/organizations/num_acquisitions/centurylink

"FCC’s latest report (released in January 2021) estimates across the U.S. 14.5 million people don’t have broadband -- and experts believe the actual number could be twice that or more. A BroadbandNow study released in February 2020 estimates that as many as 42 million Americans do not have the ability to purchase broadband internet. While the infrastructure bill dedicates funding for broadband, there’s so much more to do." - https://www.americanconnectionproject.com/

The digital divide is not talked about enough, and it does not just affect third world countries or "poor" people. Often it's spoiled brats who live in big cities have no idea what it's like in rural parts of the US (but yet they'll tell us to just "buy better internet" as if it exists... but it doesn't because ISPs just sit on their ass while collecting our taxes... or they'll just tell us to move but that's far from ideal either)... that is, until they travel out here and experience it for themselves. And you can bet some of those spoiled brats work on websites and fill them to the brim with intrusive advertising and trackers, adding to the pain of slow internet. The modern web is a bloated place.

BTW, without rural communities... huge industries like agriculture would take a hit. So if a bunch of people moves away from rural communities just so they can get faster internet... well you can say hi to higher prices on just about everything.

And it only gets worse in online gaming communities when toxic, spoiled city brats talk shit on people with high ping, ignoring the fact it's not even our fault (in other words, we're not manipulating our ping or cheating)... but it's our shitty ISPs that we basically have little to no power over. A lot of them even think that having a high ping gives us an advantage, but actually it usually doesn't (it just makes our in-game actions arrive late, which of course can hurt the number of kills we get, etc.). Some games will also kick you for high ping (even if it's just a fluctuation for a few seconds) and may even ban you, even if you had spent money on purchase the game in the first place.