Can't install Luci


First of all, I am new to OpenWRT. Today I had some issues with it and had to reset the configuration. Now, I can connect to the device, the internet is up, but, for some reason, I cannot do 'opkg update' and 'opkg install luci'.

In the first case, I get:

Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/openwrt_core
Signature check passed.
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/openwrt_base
Signature check failed.
Remove wrong Signature file.
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/openwrt_kmods
Signature check passed.
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/openwrt_luci
Signature check passed.
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/openwrt_packages
Signature check failed.
Remove wrong Signature file.
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/openwrt_routing
Signature check failed.
Remove wrong Signature file.
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/openwrt_telephony
Signature check passed.

After that, the second command gives me this:

Installing luci (23.051.66410~a505bb1) to root...
Collected errors:
 * pkg_hash_check_unresolved: cannot find dependency rpcd for rpcd-mod-luci
 * pkg_hash_fetch_best_installation_candidate: Packages for rpcd-mod-luci found, but incompatible with the architectures configured
 * pkg_hash_check_unresolved: cannot find dependency rpcd for luci-base
 * pkg_hash_check_unresolved: cannot find dependency rpcd-mod-file for luci-base
 * pkg_hash_check_unresolved: cannot find dependency rpcd-mod-ucode for luci-base
 * pkg_hash_check_unresolved: cannot find dependency cgi-io for luci-base
 * pkg_hash_check_unresolved: cannot find dependency ucode-mod-math for luci-base
 * pkg_hash_fetch_best_installation_candidate: Packages for luci-base found, but incompatible with the architectures configured
 * pkg_hash_check_unresolved: cannot find dependency rpcd-mod-iwinfo for luci-mod-status
 * pkg_hash_fetch_best_installation_candidate: Packages for luci-mod-status found, but incompatible with the architectures configured
 * pkg_hash_check_unresolved: cannot find dependency rpcd-mod-iwinfo for luci-mod-network
 * pkg_hash_fetch_best_installation_candidate: Packages for luci-mod-network found, but incompatible with the architectures configured
 * pkg_hash_check_unresolved: cannot find dependency rpcd for rpcd-mod-rrdns
 * pkg_hash_fetch_best_installation_candidate: Packages for rpcd-mod-rrdns found, but incompatible with the architectures configured
 * pkg_hash_check_unresolved: cannot find dependency uhttpd for luci-light
 * pkg_hash_check_unresolved: cannot find dependency uhttpd-mod-ubus for luci-light
 * pkg_hash_fetch_best_installation_candidate: Packages for luci-light found, but incompatible with the architectures configured
 * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for luci:
 *      rpcd
 *      rpcd-mod-file
 *      rpcd
 *      rpcd-mod-ucode
 *      cgi-io
 *      ucode-mod-math
 *      rpcd-mod-iwinfo
 *      rpcd
 *      uhttpd
 *      uhttpd-mod-ubus
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package luci.

Any ideas on how to fix it?

Thank you in advance!

When you get the message “Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for…” it is most likely because you installed a snapshot version of OpenWrt.
Read here for possible solutions.

Thank you for your reply.

I went to the provided site and tried the solution #2, but it didn't work.

Will this solution work after some time?:

Solution: Wait some days, then check if the packages are being built again.

Like I said, I'm new to OpenWRT and I have no idea what to do now. I had uploaded the firmware to the device using the xmir-patcher, but it doesn't work now when I try to install the newest firmware.

How old is your snapshot (when did you download it)? And what is the device?

ubus call system board
        "kernel": "6.6.41",
        "hostname": "OpenWrt",
        "system": "ARMv8 Processor rev 4",
        "model": "Xiaomi Mi Router AX3000T",
        "board_name": "xiaomi,mi-router-ax3000t",
        "rootfs_type": "squashfs",
        "release": {
                "distribution": "OpenWrt",
                "version": "SNAPSHOT",
                "revision": "r26990-06b37a5856",
                "target": "mediatek/filogic",
                "description": "OpenWrt SNAPSHOT r26990-06b37a5856"

Your device is supported by the latest stable release. Any particular reason you are using snapshot?

Today I had some issues with the device and I had to reset its configuration (firstboot -y, reboot -f). After that, I'm left with the issue presented here.

So, if I understand correctly, I need to download the sysupgrade file and upload it to the device and then run sysupgrade -v /tmp/firmware_image.bin?

more or less...

  • download/copy the sysupgrade image to your router (into the /tmp/ directory).
  • use the -n argument in sysupgrade to ensure that it does not attempt to keep settings.
    • sysupgrade -n /tmp/<firmware_filename>

Should I use -n along with the provided -v parameter?

I have just updated the firmware and installed luci - it's working now. Thank you very much!

If you're using a standard release build, LuCI is pre-installed and you don't need to do anything more.

Apologies if this is completely wrong but having seen your post I am now even more confused than I had been.......
I have spent the last few weeks reading the very long thread on the AX3000T and was going to ask which of the various "builds" to use as in the TOH it states Support as "Snapshot"?
Is this a recent change and the TOH just hasn't been updated or am I completely misunderstanding something - very likely?

Per my link above, it is supported by the latest stable build. The documentation can sometimes be out of date because much of it needs to be manually updated.

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