Cant configure hotspot coovachilli-ubuntu

Hi, I'm currently studying coovachilli and tried to put a hotspot on but no succeed. Radiusdesk is running on a virtual machine under the ip

This is what i get with the ethernet ON:

This is my ifconfig in terminal:

This is my coovachilli config file:

And this is my ifconfig under the terminal on VM where radius is working...

The strange thing is that while i'm connected via ethernet (on the ubuntu) i can see the hotspot login page with that "hotspot is not responding to status queries" EVEN though i can navigate through the internet without any problem.

But suddenly when I disconnect ethernet (JUST IN THE UBUNTU MACHINE, NOT IN THE VM WHERE RADIUSDESK IS RUNNING) the browser just hangs....

Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks!

If my understanding is correct RadiusDesk requires JSON data
from Coova-Chilli, try to get your JSON working first as
recommended in your other post.
This helped me:
You need the libjson built with Coova-Chilli, (and haserl )installed.
The default build of Coova-Chilli for OpenWrt does not include libjson.
You may have to setup an OpenWrt build system for your device.
Then you can maybe use the web-console of your browser to hopefully see some debug

I've just check my setup and I dont seem to have haserl installed.

haserl lets chilli's internal web server serve script-based pages (the .chi files typically in /etc/chilli/www). When the UAM pages are hosted on a separate server (RadiusDesk here), it is not needed.

@mk24 I figured as much, RadiusDesk has it's own uam service.

@DiegoTrug It might be best to ask over here then