Can we get stats on the most popular OpenWrt devices?

The short answer is 'no'.

OpenWrt doesn't do any kind of runtime telemetry.

…and the download stats from the servers are close to useless.

  • there are over half a dozen mirrors
  • they're heavily skewed towards modern popular devices, e.g. the rt3200, not just because of device proliferation among the user base, but also because their users tend to lean heavily towards the enthusiast side (many snapshot/ auc users, upgrading their device very often, as in weekly or more often)
  • they're also heavily skewed towards popular old devices, which might still be plenty, but hardly recommended for new purchases
  • previous checks of the download statistics have shown bots gaming the stats, as in downloading tl-wr1043ndv1 images incredibly often (probably as some kind of hostile internet metric of their own)
    EDIT: just as an example for this TL-WR1043ND snapshot images - High download numbers - Spanish users needed