CAKE w/ DSCPs - cake-qos-simple

If you look here for reference you can decode the hexadecimal TOS values to DSCPs:

**tos** hex 0xe0; dec 224; **DSCP** hex 0x38; dec 56; symbolic cs7
**tos** hex 0x48; dec 72;  **DSCP** hex 0x12; dec 18; symbolic af21
**tos** hex 0x28; dec 40;  **DSCP** hex 0x0a; dec 10; symbolic af11

but only you know whether you actually assigned those to anything.

For easier debugging, I would start with a single marking rule and conform its operation before adding the next rule. Also I would try to get away with as little rules as possible and , even more important than the number of rules, I would try to only up-prioritise as few packets as I absolutely need to. Trying to up-prioritise everything has the same effect as not prioritising at all, and for every packet that gets treated to lower delay some other packet(s) will need to be treated to longer delay or even a drop, so make sure you have enough 'victim' packets art hand.

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