CAKE w/ Adaptive Bandwidth

Hello, can I get help on maximizing my connection?

I've been using cake-autorate for 2 months now and its been great.
But I'm wondering if I can further improve it by tweaking some settings.

My connection is 5G NSA, with a speed of 200-400 Mbps Download and 10 - 30 Mbps Upload.

My setup is Brovi H155-382 5G Modem (bridged mode) + Xiaomi AX3000T OpenWRT 24.

I'm not really familiar with tweaking cake-autorate's settings so I need some guidance if that's possible.

Here is my current settings:

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Can you post some data incorporating 3x speed tests?

Enable all logging options in config. Reset log, 3x speed tests, export log:

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Here are the logs:

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Thanks - will take a look. BTW what are your connection stats (signal strength, etc.)?

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Here are some more stats on my H155 dashboard:

Is than an indoor device? If so, could you mount an outdoor device like NR7101?

Yes, it only has internal antennas but we modified it to have SMA connectors.

It's connected to 2 Outdoor Mimo Antenna, so 4 SMA ports total.

I'm quiet far from the 5G tower in my area and thats the best signal reading I could do.

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And I just saw the 5G SINR 18dB, which seems pretty solid. I was a bit distracted by the -7dB, but that may not be applicable to your setup.

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That's one thing that I don't quiet understand too.

4G readings are low but 5G readings are good.

Are you familiar with octave or willing to try? It can be installed in virtual Ubuntu on Windows if you like? If so then it’d be helpful if you could use the plotting tool as in the README to plot the time series and raw and delta CDFs and paste images from PDFs onto this thread?

I tried it, it skipped a lot of lines and only got this.

Did you try output to PDF? Or is it PNG?

@Lynx There appear to be > 500 messages in this topic. Perhaps it's time to spawn a new "Cake w/ Adaptive Bandwidth - 2025" topic so that current problems appear at the top... Thanks.

so about starlink, is something reliable i can use?

I tried in either pdf or png, still the same result.

No log file entries there.

:~$ cat cake-autorate.primary_2025_02_03_19_27_10.log
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:24:39; 1738581879.194968; Starting: reset_log_file with PID: 8517
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:24:39; 1738581879.198868; Starting: print_headers with PID: 8517
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:24:56; 1738581896.632165; Warning: reflector: sum_owd_baselines_us exceeds the minimum by set threshold.
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:24:56; 1738581896.634163; Starting: replace_pinger_reflector with PID: 8363
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:24:56; 1738581896.635389; replacing reflector: with
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:24:56; 1738581896.636457; Starting: kill_pinger with PID: 8363
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:24:56; 1738581896.657738; Starting: start_pinger with PID: 8363
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:24:56; 1738581896.661534; Starting: export_proc_pids with PID: 8363
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:24:56; 1738581896.668486; Resetting reflector offences associated with reflector:
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:25:57; 1738581957.574048; Warning: reflector: sum_owd_baselines_us exceeds the minimum by set threshold.
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:25:57; 1738581957.575404; Starting: replace_pinger_reflector with PID: 8363
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:25:57; 1738581957.576296; replacing reflector: with
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:25:57; 1738581957.577198; Starting: kill_pinger with PID: 8363
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:25:57; 1738581957.599141; Starting: start_pinger with PID: 8363
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:25:57; 1738581957.601555; Starting: export_proc_pids with PID: 8363
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:25:57; 1738581957.609785; Resetting reflector offences associated with reflector:
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:26:36; 1738581996.662484; Warning: no reflector response within: 250000.0 seconds. Checking loads.
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:26:36; 1738581996.663567; load check is: (( 275430 kbps > 10 kbps for download && 1636 kbps > 10 kbps for upload ))
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:26:36; 1738581996.664488; load above connection stall threshold so resuming normal operation.
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:26:38; 1738581998.477176; Warning: no reflector response within: 250000.0 seconds. Checking loads.
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:26:38; 1738581998.478725; load check is: (( 220861 kbps > 10 kbps for download && 1544 kbps > 10 kbps for upload ))
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:26:38; 1738581998.479912; load above connection stall threshold so resuming normal operation.
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:26:58; 1738582018.250857; Warning: reflector: sum_owd_baselines_us exceeds the minimum by set threshold.
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:26:58; 1738582018.251880; Starting: replace_pinger_reflector with PID: 8363
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:26:58; 1738582018.252839; replacing reflector: with
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:26:58; 1738582018.254208; Starting: kill_pinger with PID: 8363
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:26:58; 1738582018.267427; Starting: start_pinger with PID: 8363
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:26:58; 1738582018.269835; Starting: export_proc_pids with PID: 8363
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:26:58; 1738582018.273957; Resetting reflector offences associated with reflector:
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:27:10; 1738582030.795660; received log file export signal so exporting log file.
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:27:10; 1738582030.796468; Starting: export_log_file with PID: 8517
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:27:10; 1738582030.797434; Exporting log file with path: /var/log/cake-autorate.primary_2025_02_03_19_27_10.log
DEBUG; 2025-02-03-19:27:10; 1738582030.798123; Starting: flush_log_pipe with PID: 8517

I suppose all the logging options were disabled.

I have selected the wrong one

Maybe it plots now in Octave - can you try?

DATA; 2025-02-03-22:43:30; 1738593810.276805; 1738593810.276101; 15; 15; 0; 0; [1738593810.27355];; 124; 6802; 8650; 1780; 1848; 30054; 6802; 8650; 1780; 1848; 30800; 0; 1928; 60054; 0; 1928; 60800; dl_idle; ul_idle; 220000; 15000

The parser is again unhappy, I guess because of the [1738593810.27355] entries...

@Hikoboshi00 which version of cake-autorate are you using? Can you use the latest code on the master branch?

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