sorry took so long, took a while for me to figure out that octave program and exporting logs.
I do get this inside the octave program when its graphing the logs and not sure if normal:
WARNING: Unhandled type identifier encountered: CPU_R trying to ignore...
WARNING: Unhandled type identifier encountered: CPU; trying to ignore...
So i'll just give you the log file and im guessing u can graph it cause i dunno if i paste the graphs here it would be correct since i got that cpu error above
So what i did was ran
to reset the log file
Then i ran the bufferbloat test
Then right after i saved the log file
Hopefully i did everything right?
Now im confused as my bufferbloat test is really good but for some reason playing counter strike my jitter spikes randomly and im trying to fix it + lower it.
Btw here were my current settings for cake-autorate as i set them back to default and adjusted the shaper_rates.
Not sure if my shaper rates are correct, or how I'd go about trouble shooting. Im just a noob with all this sorry lol.
S#!/usr/bin/env bash
# -- default configuration values for
# This file is part of cake-autorate.
output_processing_stats=1 # enable (1) or disable (0) output monitoring lines showing processing stats
output_load_stats=1 # enable (1) or disable (0) output monitoring lines showing achieved loads
output_reflector_stats=1 # enable (1) or disable (0) output monitoring lines showing reflector stats
output_summary_stats=1 # enable (1) or disable (0) output monitoring lines showing summary stats
output_cake_changes=1 # enable (1) or disable (0) output monitoring lines showing cake bandwidth changes
output_cpu_stats=1 # enable (1) or disable (0) output monitoring lines showing CPU usage percentages
output_cpu_raw_stats=1 # enable (1) or disable (0) output monitoring lines showing raw CPU usage lines
debug=1 # enable (1) or disable (0) out of debug lines
# This can generate a LOT of records so be careful:
log_DEBUG_messages_to_syslog=0 # enable (1) or disable (0) logging of all DEBUG records into the system log.
# ** Take care with these settings to ensure you won't run into OOM issues on your router ***
# every write the cumulative write time and bytes associated with each log line are checked
# and if either exceeds the configured values below, the log file is rotated
log_to_file=1 # enable (1) or disable (0) output logging to file (/tmp/cake-autorate.log)
log_file_max_time_mins=10 # maximum time between log file rotations
log_file_max_size_KB=2000 # maximum KB (i.e. bytes/1024) worth of log lines between log file rotations
# log file path defaults to /var/log/
# or, if set below, then ${log_file_path_override}
### For multihomed setups, it is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the probes
### sent by this instance of cake-autorate actually travel through these interfaces.
### See ping_extra_args and ping_prefix_string
dl_if=ifb4wan # download interface
ul_if=wan # upload interface
# pinger binary selection can be any of:
# fping - round robin pinging (rtts)
# tsping - round robin pinging using ICMP type 13 (owds)
# ping - (iputils-ping) individual pinging (rtts)
# list of reflectors to use and number of pingers to initiate
# pingers will be initiated with reflectors in the order specified in the list
# additional reflectors will be used to replace any reflectors that go stale
# so e.g. if 6 reflectors are specified and the number of pingers is set to 4, the first 4 reflectors will be used initially
# and the remaining 2 reflectors in the list will be used in the event any of the first 4 go bad
# a bad reflector will go to the back of the queue on reflector rotation
"" "" # Cloudflare
"" "" # Google
"" "" "" # Quad9
"" "" "" "" "" # AdGuard
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" # Neustar
"" "" "" "" "" # OpenDNS
"" "" # CleanBrowsing
randomize_reflectors=1 # enable (1) or disable (0) randomization of reflectors on startup
# Think carefully about the following settings
# to avoid excessive CPU use (proportional with ping interval / number of pingers)
# and to avoid abusive network activity (excessive ICMP frequency to one reflector)
# The author has found an ICMP rate of 1/(0.2/4) = 20 Hz to give satisfactory performance on 4G
no_pingers=6 # number of pingers to maintain
reflector_ping_interval_s=0.3 # (seconds, e.g. 0.2s or 2s)
# average owd delta threshold in ms up to which the maximum adjust_up_load_high is applied to the shaper rate adjustment
# for average owd deltas between avg_owd_delta_max_adjust_up_thr_ms and owd_delta_thr_ms, the adjustment is scaled linearly
# from max_adjust_up_load_high (at avg_owd_delta_max_adjust_up_thr_ms) to min_adjust_up_load_high (at owd_delta_thr_ms)
dl_avg_owd_delta_max_adjust_up_thr_ms=10.0 # (milliseconds)
ul_avg_owd_delta_max_adjust_up_thr_ms=10.0 # (milliseconds)
# owd delta threshold in ms is the extent of OWD increase to classify as a delay
# these are automatically adjusted based on maximum on the wire packet size
# (adjustment significant at sub 12Mbit/s rates, else negligible)
dl_owd_delta_delay_thr_ms=30.0 # (milliseconds)
ul_owd_delta_delay_thr_ms=30.0 # (milliseconds)
# average owd delta threshold in ms beyond which the maximum adjust_down_bufferbloat is applied to the shaper rate adjustment
# for average owd deltas between owd_delta_thr_ms and avg_owd_delta_max_adjust_up_thr_ms, the adjustment is scaled linearly
# from min_adjust_down_bufferbloat (at owd_delta_thr_ms) to min_adjust_up_load_high (at avg_owd_delta_max_adjust_down_thr_ms)
dl_avg_owd_delta_max_adjust_down_thr_ms=60.0 # (milliseconds)
ul_avg_owd_delta_max_adjust_down_thr_ms=60.0 # (milliseconds)
# Set either of the below to 0 to adjust one direction only
# or alternatively set both to 0 to simply use cake-autorate to monitor a connection
adjust_dl_shaper_rate=1 # enable (1) or disable (0) actually changing the dl shaper rate
adjust_ul_shaper_rate=1 # enable (1) or disable (0) actually changing the ul shaper rate
min_dl_shaper_rate_kbps=5000 # minimum bandwidth for download (Kbit/s)
base_dl_shaper_rate_kbps=75000 # steady state bandwidth for download (Kbit/s)
max_dl_shaper_rate_kbps=75000 # maximum bandwidth for download (Kbit/s)
min_ul_shaper_rate_kbps=15000 # minimum bandwidth for upload (Kbit/s)
base_ul_shaper_rate_kbps=30000 # steady state bandwidth for upload (KBit/s)
max_ul_shaper_rate_kbps=30000 # maximum bandwidth for upload (Kbit/s)
# sleep functionality saves unecessary pings and CPU cycles by
# pausing all active pingers when connection is not in active use
enable_sleep_function=1 # enable (1) or disable (0) sleep functonality
connection_active_thr_kbps=3000 # threshold in Kbit/s below which dl/ul is considered idle
sustained_idle_sleep_thr_s=60.0 # time threshold to put pingers to sleep on sustained dl/ul achieved rate < idle_thr (seconds)
min_shaper_rates_enforcement=0 # enable (1) or disable (0) dropping down to minimum shaper rates on connection idle or stall
startup_wait_s=0.0 # number of seconds to wait on startup (e.g. to wait for things to settle on router reboot)
log_file_buffer_size_B=512 # log file buffer size in bytes
log_file_buffer_timeout_ms=500 # log file buffer timeout in milliseconds
log_file_export_compress=1 # compress log file exports using gzip and append .gz to export filename
### In multi-homed setups, it is mandatory to use either ping_extra_args
### or ping_prefix_string to direct the pings through $dl_if and $ul_if.
### No universal recommendation exists, because there are multiple
### policy-routing packages available (e.g. vpn-policy-routing and mwan3).
### Typically they either react to a firewall mark set on the pings, or
### provide a convenient wrapper.
### In a traditional single-homed setup, there is usually no need for these parameters.
### These arguments can also be used for any other purpose - e.g. for setting a
### particular QoS mark.
# extra arguments for ping or fping
# e.g., here is how you can set the correct outgoing interface and
# the firewall mark for ping:
# ping_extra_args="-I wwan0 -m $((0x300))"
# Unfortunately, fping does not offer a command line switch to set
# the firewall mark.
# WARNING: no error checking so use at own risk!
# a wrapper for ping binary - used as a prefix for the real command
# e.g., when using mwan3, it is recommended to set it like this:
# ping_prefix_string="mwan3 use gpon exec"
# WARNING: the wrapper must exec ping as the final step, not run it as a subprocess.
# Running ping or fping as a subprocess will lead to problems stopping it.
# WARNING: no error checking - so use at own risk!
# interval in ms for monitoring achieved rx/tx rates
# this is automatically adjusted based on maximum on the wire packet size
# (adjustment significant at sub 12Mbit/s rates, else negligible)
monitor_achieved_rates_interval_ms=200 # (milliseconds)
# interval in ms for monitoring CPU usage
# bufferbloat is detected when (bufferbloat_detection_thr) samples
# out of the last (bufferbloat detection window) samples are delayed
bufferbloat_detection_window=6 # number of samples to retain in detection window
bufferbloat_detection_thr=3 # number of delayed samples for bufferbloat detection
# OWD baseline against which to measure delays
# the idea is that the baseline is allowed to increase slowly to allow for path changes
# and slowly enough such that bufferbloat will be corrected well before the baseline increases,
# but it will decrease very rapidly to ensure delays are measured against the shortest path
alpha_baseline_increase=0.001 # how rapidly baseline RTT is allowed to increase
alpha_baseline_decrease=0.9 # how rapidly baseline RTT is allowed to decrease
# OWD delta from baseline is tracked using ewma with alpha set below
# rate adjustment parameters
# shaper rate is adjusted by a maximum of shaper_rate_max_adjust_down_bufferbloat on detection of bufferbloat
# and this is scaled by the average delta owd / average owd delta threshold
# otherwise shaper rate is adjusted up on load high, and down on load idle or low
shaper_rate_min_adjust_down_bufferbloat=0.99 # how rapidly to reduce shaper rate upon detection of bufferbloat (min reduction)
shaper_rate_max_adjust_down_bufferbloat=0.75 # how rapidly to reduce shaper rate upon detection of bufferbloat (max reduction)
shaper_rate_min_adjust_up_load_high=1.0 # how rapidly to increase shaper rate upon high load detected (min increase)
shaper_rate_max_adjust_up_load_high=1.04 # how rapidly to increase shaper rate upon high load detected (max increase)
shaper_rate_adjust_down_load_low=0.99 # how rapidly to return down to base shaper rate upon idle or low load detected
shaper_rate_adjust_up_load_low=1.01 # how rapidly to return up to base shaper rate upon idle or low load detected
# the load is categoried as low if < high_load_thr and high if > high_load_thr relative to the current shaper rate
high_load_thr=0.75 # % of currently set bandwidth for detecting high load
# refractory periods between successive bufferbloat/decay rate changes
# the bufferbloat refractory period should be greater than the
# average time it would take to replace the bufferbloat
# detection window with new samples upon a bufferbloat event
bufferbloat_refractory_period_ms=300 # (milliseconds)
decay_refractory_period_ms=1000 # (milliseconds)
# interval for checking reflector health
reflector_health_check_interval_s=1.0 # (seconds)
# deadline for reflector response not to be classified as an offence against reflector
reflector_response_deadline_s=1.0 # (seconds)
# reflector misbehaving is detected when $reflector_misbehaving_detection_thr samples
# out of the last (reflector misbehaving detection window) samples are offences
# thus with a 1s interval, window 60 and detection_thr 3, this is tantamount to
# 3 offences within the last 60s
reflector_replacement_interval_mins=60 # how often to replace a random reflector from the present list
reflector_comparison_interval_mins=1 # how often to compare reflectors
reflector_sum_owd_baselines_delta_thr_ms=20.0 # max increase from min sum owd baselines before reflector rotated
reflector_owd_delta_ewma_delta_thr_ms=10.0 # max increase from min delta ewma before reflector rotated
# stall is detected when the following two conditions are met:
# 1) no reflector responses within $stall_detection_thr*$ping_response_interval_us; and
# 2) either $rx_achieved_rate or $tx_achieved_rate < $connection_stall_thr
global_ping_response_timeout_s=10.0 # timeout to set shaper rates to min on no ping response whatsoever (seconds)
if_up_check_interval_s=10.0 # time to wait before re-checking if rx/tx bytes files exist (e.g. from boot state or sleep recovery)
Also not sure if i should install sqm-qos-simple instead of the luci-sqm since im trying to prioratize gaming traffic compared to the online tv streams in the household since we've got a few people watching tv from the DuneHD box.
basically just need to figure out how to get rid of the jitter in my game.
Here is my updated luci-sqm config, i also have layer_cake on but i don't think i have any sort of like port prioritization, as i don't know if should have that or if i set it up correctly too as i tried to prioritize udp 27015 for counter strike:
nano /etc/config/sqm
config queue 'eth1'
option enabled '0'
option interface 'wan'
option download '75000'
option upload '30000'
option qdisc 'cake'
option script 'layer_cake.qos'
option qdisc_advanced '1'
option ingress_ecn 'NOECN'
option egress_ecn 'NOECN'
option linklayer 'ethernet'
option debug_logging '1'
option verbosity '5'
option squash_dscp '0'
option squash_ingress '0'
option overhead '22'
option linklayer_advanced '1'
option tcMTU '2047'
option tcTSIZE '128'
option tcMPU '64'
option linklayer_adaptation_mechanism 'default'
Here is the firewall command and i tried setting up 27015 as highest priority, not sure if i did it right
iptables -t mangle -L -v -n
root@OpenWrt:~/cake-autorate# iptables -t mangle -L -v -n
Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT 16M packets, 24G bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
29985 14M DSCP udp -- * * udp dpt:27015 DSCP set 0x30
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 254K packets, 45M bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 16M packets, 24G bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 227K packets, 41M bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
Chain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT 16M packets, 24G bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
41267 36M DSCP udp -- * * udp spt:27015 DSCP set 0x30
Here is what i put into the firewall:
cd /etc/config
nano firewall
config rule
option name 'Mark-CS-Traffic-Inbound'
option src 'wan'
option proto 'udp'
option dest_port '27015'
option target 'DSCP'
option set_dscp 'CS6'
config rule
option name 'Mark-CS-Traffic-Outbound'
option src 'lan'
option proto 'udp'
option src_port '27015'
option target 'DSCP'
option set_dscp 'CS6'
and here is what i put into
nano /etc/firewall.user
iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p udp --dport 27015 -j DSCP --set-dscp-class CS6
iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -p udp --sport 27015 -j DSCP --set-dscp-class CS6
Not sure if im supposed to be doing all this.
Anyways let me know what other log files you need or if you need me to run it multiple times? I'll play counter strike in about an hour as i run another log file and maybe that will also be helpful for you. Thanks again!