Sweet, so now just adjust your config like so:
root@OpenWrt-1:~# cat cake-autorate/cake-autorate_config.primary.sh
### For multihomed setups, it is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the probes
### sent by this instance of cake-autorate actually travel through these interfaces.
### See ping_extra_args and ping_prefix_string
dl_if=ifb-wan # download interface
ul_if=wan # upload interface
# Set either of the below to 0 to adjust one direction only
# or alternatively set both to 0 to simply use cake-autorate to monitor a connection
adjust_dl_shaper_rate=1 # enable (1) or disable (0) actually changing the dl shaper rate
adjust_ul_shaper_rate=1 # enable (1) or disable (0) actually changing the ul shaper rate
min_dl_shaper_rate_kbps=5000 # minimum bandwidth for download (Kbit/s)
base_dl_shaper_rate_kbps=20000 # steady state bandwidth for download (Kbit/s)
max_dl_shaper_rate_kbps=80000 # maximum bandwidth for download (Kbit/s)
min_ul_shaper_rate_kbps=5000 # minimum bandwidth for upload (Kbit/s)
base_ul_shaper_rate_kbps=20000 # steady state bandwidth for upload (KBit/s)
max_ul_shaper_rate_kbps=35000 # maximum bandwidth for upload (Kbit/s)
"" "" "" # Quad9
"" "" "" "" "" # AdGuard
"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" # Neustar
"" "" "" "" "" # OpenDNS
"" "" # CleanBrowsing
dl_delay_thr_ms=10 # (milliseconds)
ul_delay_thr_ms=30 # (milliseconds)
That is, remove Google and Cloudflare from the reflectors (as they do not support ICMP type 13), specify the tsping binary, reduce the dl_delay_thr from 30 to 10, and consider turning reflector randomization off if you feel good about the first few items on the list (which will be used as the initial reflector set - for me these work well).