Build old 18.06.8 firmware for QEMU to develop package

Hello guys, how are you doing ?

I've been interested in development for openwrt and decided to star with a little package. I have a TP-LINK WR840n V2 to play with and it seems that ar71xx is deprecated overruled by ath79.

So I was wondering to build 18.06.8 image to run on QEMU.. As it QEMU do not accept not ELF images on '-kernel' option. Is there any way to run '.bin' on QEMU ?
I saw that it uses U-BOOT, but I couldn't find a way to run it to take the 'bin' image file with the entrypoint.

Can someone help to build this image ?
In addiction any links useful would be welcome.

Thanks! :smiley:

Well I was able to run it in MIPS. I got a compiled image from:

But when I do boot...

qemu-system-mips -nographic -no-reboot \
-M malta -drive file=root.squashfs,format=raw \
-kernel openwrt-18.06.8-ar71xx-tiny-vmlinux.elf  


qemu-system-mips -nographic -no-reboot \
-M malta -drive file=root.squashfs,format=raw \
-kernel openwrt-18.06.8-ar71xx-tiny-vmlinux.elf \
-append "root=/dev/sda"

Nothing happens.. The cursor stay there, blank..
It should be output something ?
