Build for WNDR3700v1/v2 / WNDR3800 (discontinued)

Thank you for your answer hnyman! Now it pretends to upgrade, but it always returns with the old firmware. Tried 3 times now.

Shall I uncheck "Keep settings"? Are the settings compatible at all between those versions?

To my knowledge, yes, they are compatible. At least the "normal" vanilla settings.

I have used the same settings when sysupgrading/downgrading between ar71xx_master, ar71xx_1806, ath79_master and ath79_1907 builds. All has (usually) succeeded with "keeping settings". There have naturally been glitches due to broken builds etc., but not due to the actual settings.

Returning to the old build means that the flash never happened. Not sure what is wring with your router...

If nothing else helps, use the TFTP flash to flash the ath79 build and rebuild settings.

So after some uptime, my wndr3700v2 typically does not "take" the new firmware on the first flashing attempt (I use cd /tmp ; sysupgrade -v ./WNDR3700*.bin). So after a relative quick reboot I am greeted by the old version of the formware; so far, going through the dance again at that stage (transferring the new firmware image to /tmp, logging into the router via ssh and cd /tmp ; sysupgrade -v ./WNDR3700*.bin) the new firmware actually gets flashed. Since I use swap on this router which as far as I can tell is rather uncommon, I start by dsiabling swap (swapoff -a), and occasionally the fist flashing attempt works.

I believe there was a thread about this, and there was a change in how sysupgrade behaves if it encounters errors, unfortunately it does not actually report these errors anywhere (as far as I know) so I have no clue what causes these mis flashes.

Maybe @nieroster encounters similar issues?

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What is going on with WNDR3700 v4? Can i build openwrt firmware on ath79 for this router?

Please keep this topipc for questions regarding this specific community build for WNDR3700 v1/v2 and WNDR3800.

For questions unrelated to this specific community build, and unrelated to the devices mentioned in the topic, please open new topics.

yes seems so. I had this before that my wndr3700v2 took two attempts to upgrade, while the v1 upgrades at the first try.

But this time it seems tougher. I tried 3 ties in a row to upgrade the v2 to the ath9 build and no matter what settings I use, it does not seem to like the ath9 firmware. It always reboots with the old firmware. At last I even tried to untick the "Keep settings" and select force upgrade, but it simply reboots. It did not even reset to default settings. Maybe I try restoring default settings and try to update from there...

I found out what I did wrong: After "Force upgrade" you have to select the firmware file again, otherwise it tries to upgrade without a firmware file! Would be nice if luci would remind you that this is useless instead of rebooting.

SSH'ing in and using sysupgrade -F works better if you ask me. LuCI is just sitting in between you and the sysupgrade script.

Like most of GUIs do :smiley:


Should be equivalent to the forthcoming 18.06.4 (which is currently being compiled at the buildbot).

Thanks for the great work on your OpenWRT builds, @hnyman !

Are Jumbo Frames enabled on the LAN interface for the WNDR3700v1 on your builds? I tried changing the MTU to 9000, but it doesn't change from 1500.

Hi @hnyman,
I installed owrt1907-r10560-92953ae99f-20190925 on my wndr3700v2.
There are no wifi adapters and I can't enable them so it seems. I came from LEDE 17 and updated to OpenWRT19.07 with the reset and SFTP trick. There was no other way because LEDE sayd incompatible image format.
To see if the flash was unfortunate I did a factory reset, but still no wifi.
Any idea what's going wrong?
In the status I noticed this line: 2019-09-24 92953ae ath10k-ct: update to version 2019-09-09
Might there be an issue with ath10k-ct? In the image of the previous week there was a different line.

No, ath10k is not even used in wndr3700. That was just the most recent git commit at the compile time.

But no idea about your actual problem. The build worked ok in my own wndr3700v2 ( although I did not try factory reset, so the old config worked there )

I was trying to follow the directions from so I did

opkg update && opkg install openssl-util luci-app-uhttpd

Now I got:

root@WNDRMAC:/etc/ssl# openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 730 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout mycert.key -out mycert.c
rt -config myconfig.conf
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: COMP_zlib_cleanup: symbol not found
Error relocating /usr/bin/openssl: BIO_f_zlib: symbol not found

I read online that it is caused by mismatching libraries and packages.
What is the correct procedure to get a working SSL certificate? should I simply omit the "opkg update"? I was on 18.06 but I'm switching to 19.07 right now.

solved with

opkg upgrade libopenssl

Hi @hnyman,
I am looking for a build for wndr3700 without ipv6, do you know where I could find it?

You need to config and build that by yourself.

the latest ar71xx-master build ( ar71xx-master-r11372-2d00cf7515-20191102) seems to be an empty folder...

not empty any more.

Thank you!


Now that there is the official 19.07.0-rc1 available, I stop building the ancient 18.06 branch. This will be the last 18.06 build.

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