@hnyman thanks for the great work on this firmware. I just installed it on my R7800.
I found a problem on the latest image downloaded today for 19.07 - IPv6 for LAN wasn't working at all.
When I did cat /etc/config/dhcp the "wan6" interface configs did not exist. I was trying to enable IPv6 relay to work.
I had to manually edit the /etc/config/dhcp config and add this missing data:
config dhcp 'wan6'
option interface 'wan6'
option ra 'relay'
option ndp 'relay'
option start '100'
option leasetime '12h'
option limit '150'
Then after that from another post IPv6 working on router but not on clients - #11 by ctrt
uci set dhcp.wan6.master="1"
uci set dhcp.wan6.dhcpv6="relay"
uci commit dhcp
/etc/init.d/odhcpd restart
/etc/init.d/network restart
Then magically my IPv6 is now working and IPv6 relay also works. This must be a bug?