Block all IP LAN to WAN/Internet traffic except private network RFC1918 IPv4 / RFC4193 IPv6

Examples please for LAN All have have been looking for are examples...

In the Cisco world simple access-list applied to the WAN interface would take care of all of this....

ip access-list standard 101


deny any

How do you do this on a OpenWRT router? What does it look like?

Did you see:

At the end of the firewall configs, you make a rule to drop forwarding from LAN to WAN. Or the rule/example already given to you above.

OpenWrt uses fw3, a wrapper for iptables.

Thank you so very much. This looks like what I have been looking for. Now I have the text where does it go?

# in /etc/config/firewall

You then save and run:

/etc/init.d/firewall reload

Hope this helps.

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Thanks for example!!!!

First tests look to block web suffering. My private network is so when I used your example I could no longer surf the Internet however my ping to was still working. That could be a configuration in another part of the firewall file will have to look at that later. Changed to the configuration listed below with " option src_ip '!' " and now able to surf the Internet.

So now I would like to look at other options if you could please help guide me again.

Is there a way to change the example listed below to block access for just one IP address like

Also can you add more IP ranges like " option src_ip '!' " to the same section (another line), or how is this done ?

config rule
option family 'ipv4'
option proto 'all'
option src 'lan'
option target 'DROP'
option name 'Drop-OUT_InvalidSRC'
option src_ip '!'
option dest 'wan'

Understand permit and deny in the Cisco world for the most part only routers I used and knew when the Internet first opened up to the public. Security, and any attacks where not a big thing at the start. We where just trying to get it to work. So Cisco IOS is another world from OpenWRT Linux and I need all the help I can get.

Yes, as far as I can tell ' will' will only deal with packets claiming to come from to or so, note 205.x.x.x is not in that range. As far as I can tell should cover all and then you will need to add your local IP range as acceptable.

config bcp38
	option interface 'eth1'
	option detect_upstream '1'
	list match ''
	list nomatch ''
	option enabled '1'

As far as I can see that should do what you want.

For me the default set:

config bcp38
	option interface 'eth1'
	option detect_upstream '1'
	list match ''
	list match ''
	list match ''
	list match ''
	list match ''
	list match ''
	list match ''
	list match ''
	list nomatch ''
	option enabled '1'

results in the following iptables-save output:

-A BCP38 -p udp -m udp --sport 67:68 --dport 67:68 -j RETURN
-A BCP38 -o eth1 -m set --match-set bcp38-ipv4 dst -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-net-unreachable
-A BCP38 -i eth1 -m set --match-set bcp38-ipv4 src -j DROP
-A forwarding_rule -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j BCP38
-A input_rule -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j BCP38
-A output_rule -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j BCP38

/etc/config/firewall contains:

config include 'bcp38'
	option type 'script'
	option path '/usr/lib/bcp38/'
	option family 'IPv4'
	option reload '1'

and /usr/lib/bcp38/ looks like:

# BCP38 filtering implementation for CeroWrt.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Author: Toke Høiland-Jørgensen <>


. /lib/

config_load bcp38

	local subnet="$1"
	local action="$2"

	if [ "$action" == "nomatch" ]; then
		ipset add "$IPSET_NAME" "$subnet" nomatch
		ipset add "$IPSET_NAME" "$subnet"

	local interface="$1"

	subnets=$(ip route show dev "$interface"  | grep 'scope link' | awk '{print $1}')
	for subnet in $subnets; do
		# ipset test doesn't work for subnets, so strip out the subnet part
		# and test for that; add as exception if there's a match
		addr=$(echo $subnet | sed 's|/[0-9]\+$||')
		ipset test "$IPSET_NAME" $addr 2>/dev/null && add_bcp38_rule $subnet nomatch

run() {
    	local section="$1"
    	local enabled
	local interface
	local detect_upstream
	config_get_bool enabled "$section" enabled 0
	config_get interface "$section" interface
	config_get detect_upstream "$section" detect_upstream

	if [ "$enabled" -eq "1" -a -n "$interface" -a -z "$STOP" ] ; then
		setup_iptables "$interface"
		config_list_foreach "$section" match add_bcp38_rule match
		config_list_foreach "$section" nomatch add_bcp38_rule nomatch
		[ "$detect_upstream" -eq "1" ] && detect_upstream "$interface"
	exit 0

	ipset create "$IPSET_NAME" hash:net family ipv4
	ipset flush "$IPSET_NAME"

	local interface="$1"
	iptables -N "$IPTABLES_CHAIN" 2>/dev/null
	iptables -F "$IPTABLES_CHAIN" 2>/dev/null

	iptables -I output_rule -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j "$IPTABLES_CHAIN"
	iptables -I input_rule -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j "$IPTABLES_CHAIN"
	iptables -I forwarding_rule -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j "$IPTABLES_CHAIN"

	# always accept DHCP traffic
	iptables -A "$IPTABLES_CHAIN" -p udp --dport 67:68 --sport 67:68 -j RETURN
	iptables -A "$IPTABLES_CHAIN" -o "$interface" -m set --match-set "$IPSET_NAME" dst -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-net-unreachable
	iptables -A "$IPTABLES_CHAIN" -i "$interface" -m set --match-set "$IPSET_NAME" src -j DROP

	ipset flush "$IPSET_NAME" 2>/dev/null
	ipset destroy "$IPSET_NAME" 2>/dev/null

	iptables -D output_rule -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j "$IPTABLES_CHAIN" 2>/dev/null
	iptables -D input_rule -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j "$IPTABLES_CHAIN" 2>/dev/null
	iptables -D forwarding_rule -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j "$IPTABLES_CHAIN" 2>/dev/null
	iptables -F "$IPTABLES_CHAIN" 2>/dev/null
	iptables -X "$IPTABLES_CHAIN" 2>/dev/null

config_foreach run bcp38

exit 0
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I think you're making this difficult.

Might want to stop traffic if you're trying to block it.

Try /etc/init.d/firewall restart instead then.

Given your network is, I'm not sure how Internet worked, or even why you made this change.

  • Perhaps you didn't save/apply it.
  • Perhaps you didn't make the final-absolute DROP rule at the bottom, as I noted above:

Sure, just change it to - like you did when you changed it to /16. That's quite simple and straightforward. You do understand that you can edit your own rules, correct?

Just add another rule, not difficult. I've never tested a second line for this kind of rule. Just remember, you can always add another rule.

Not too hard. Just remember, it's not Cisco. Perhaps you should look at the manual/wiki - instead of asking for a rule each time you need one:

Also, while you're still learning, maybe you should employ the web GUI for firewall rule creation.

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