Belkin RT3200/Linksys E8450 WiFi AX discussion

I think I used @daniel installer version before 0.62 was released but I have been using snapshots to update the RT3200. Do I need to use the new installer to get fixes or does flashing the snapshot build cover them?

Interesting things coming in trunk:


You get newer U-Boot

Is there a way to tell which u-boot I have on the device now?

strings /dev/mtd1 | grep U-Boot 

Yes sfo +hwo is very good for the router but not compatible with qosify i think

I guess I have the old version.

# strings /dev/mtd1 | grep U-Boot 
** Invalid partition type "%.32s" (expect "U-Boot")
0. U-Boot console
[31mLoad BL31+U-Boot FIP via TFTP then write to flash.
  *** U-Boot Boot Menu ***
UBIFS: only ro mode in U-Boot allowed.
U-Boot 2021.10 (Nov 19 2021 - 22:51:20 +0000)

So I need to flash the 0.62 release, then flash a new snapshot? The name of the snapshot I flashed a week ago is openwrt-mediatek-mt7622-linksys_e8450-ubi-squashfs-sysupgrade.itb

So from the release v0.6.2 page, I need to flash openwrt-mediatek-mt7622-linksys_e8450-ubi-squashfs-sysupgrade.itb and that will give me the update u-boot? Then I go out to the snapshot buildbot download page and download the latest?

I recall someone warning that it was unnecessary just for this newer u-boot

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It is useful to update to v0.6.2 sysupgrade image and then use auc or luci-app-attendedsysupgrade to fast-forward to daily snapshot with fw4 already being the default.
If you anyway build your image from source and want to start from snapshot sysupgrade image, that will also work, also directly from the firmware you are running now, no need to update to v0.6.2 first (that's just to change the default package selection to fw4/nftables instead of fw3/iptables and then easily continue using auc/luci-app-attendedsysupgrade).

In any case there is no reason to update U-Boot at this point.


Just went through this. There was a bug in that snapshot that you're on. Can easily by fixed by running the command from terminal. Just SSH into your router (instead of Luci WebUI) and type auc. It'll update you to latest snapshot and once you check LuCi again, you'll see it's been fixed.

Sounds great! I'm new to snapshots and commits. Does this mean tomorrow's snapshot will have these changes?

They're both (supposed to be) in us, and they're both (supposed to) record only outstanding airtime, not total elapsed airtime. So the fact that your aql_tx_pending variable keeps increasing is definitely bogus, and yeah, that would break things. Given that the other one looks reasonable, my guess would be that ieee80211_sta_update_pending_airtime() is being called with a NULL sta argument on TX completion for some reason...

But openwrt's makefile from package/kernel/mt76/ is still pointing to the master mt76 branch, not the wed branch. Will it work?

Good evening everyone I just saw this for the linksys e8450 is this the before final version?

Yes, this is the release branch for the 22.03.x release series. There has not yet been a release candidate nor an official release yet (that's going to come in the next weeks/months).

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ok thank you daniel for your answer if I understand correctly we are closer to a few weeks than rather a few months??

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i see than my ps5 Accept ipv6 now :slight_smile: very good news
thanks for all your work

i can't update list in software... is normal ?

remove wrong signature failed

I've compiled some new builds from openwrt/master, using the 5.15 testing kernel. I am surprised to see that it works, both with mt76 master driver and mt76 wed. But, like before, I see CPU being busier with HW offloading (vs SW offload only), and no difference between mt76 master/wed. I don't know if it is normal or it has something to do with my configuration or the packages I am using (like firewall 3).

wed is not enabled by default. U need to enable it like this way.

Also, firewall3 support wed while firewall4 not.
From my test, wan->wifi 900M, cpu usage is about 10% when 7622 runs in 1.35GHZ.

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If hw offload works properly, we could see bind connections :
cat /sys/kernel/debug/mtk_ppe/bind