Belkin RT3200/Linksys E8450 WiFi AX discussion

Apologies for the delay! Been a busy week and lost track of time. sigh

Below is my current Usteer config that is running on each of my three RT3200s (AP mode). Couple things to keep in mind as anyone looks at this:

  1. I have done some extensive AP signal/SNR testing (using NetSpot) within my particular home to address dead spots and AP overlap. Just slapping this config into place on your device and calling it a day will do you a disservice. You must take some basic steps to tune your AP radio channels and power to get the right overlap within your space. :wink:
  2. We all have our "ecosystems" of choice. My family's is Apple. Yours may be Google or Amazon, or something else. The settings I configured in my Usteer config are tweaked based on Apple's specs for wireless operation (read: roaming) of their devices and software. Heavily Android or you name it else platforms may work better with some of the settings tweaked to their specifications. TLDR; non-Apple mileage may vary.

With my little disclaimer out of the way, here you go: :slight_smile:

Here's my wireless config. Keep in mind I have a matching SSID name for primary 2.4Ghz/5Ghz, matching SSID name for guest 2.4Ghz/5Ghz, and an IoT SSID on 2.4Ghz only.

Probably goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway... This is just one of three wireless configs. Each of my RT3200s has a similar config, but the radio configurations have channel, power, and BSS color variations that are unique to each AP.

For anyone interested in some nitty-gritty details, take a look here at some of the interesting discoveries I found around Apple's handling of 802.11k: