banIP support thread

Suggest checking Enable Remote Logging (Enable the cgi interface to receive remote logging events.) and have the services send events to banIP. Lot more workable than trying to log individual packets.

--- from the documentation ---

CGI interface to receive remote logging events
banIP ships a basic cgi interface in '/www/cgi-bin/banip' to receive remote logging events (disabled by default). The cgi interface evaluates logging events via GET or POST request (see examples below). To enable the cgi interface set the following options:

* set 'ban_remotelog' to '1' to enbale the cgi interface
* set 'ban_remotetoken' to a secret transfer token, allowed token characters consist of '[A-Za-z]', '[0-9]', '.' and ':'

Examples to transfer remote logging events from an internal server to banIP via cgi interface:

* POST request: curl --insecure --data "<ban_remotetoken>=<suspicious IP>"
* GET request: wget --no-check-certificate<ban_remotetoken>=<suspicious IP>

Please note: for security reasons use this cgi interface only internally and only encrypted via https transfer protocol.