banIP support thread

Currently I'm working on a new release (far call, not ready yet) ... could you please PM me with more config details to better understand your requirement? Thanks!

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Thank you for hint, I read the previous posts, but advice there is to install banip version 0.3.12, which I already have. In banip IPset lookup I can see banned IPs/subnets, but nothing appears in syslog except startup messages and IPsets updates/refresh events. There is not stable raspi4 version of openwrt, just snapshots. I am running OpenWrt SNAPSHOT r14850-f5c5a8abd2.
Thank you for your time.


I hope not to offend with an enhancement request? Or if others already have a solution for this? How can I better balance security w/o having to do the work of identifying what program is limiting access and then whitelisting?

Enhancement Request: non-techie web page to enable/disable limited set of services temporarily.
Issue: significant other is having problems viewing sites with banIP and ADBlock, and I wanted to provide them a temporary solution to disable IP Blocking temporarily.

Requirement1: no credentials required
Requirement2: should be a framework for other limited services to plug into (adblock, banip, etc..)
Requirement3: should temporarily disable services for a short period of time. ie: services should start back up after x mins. (30 mins?)
Requirement4: should show current status
Requirement5: button press should show the press was accepted and is doing something
Requirement6: should (en|dis)able service


I reported some menu display issues from banip

I've already commented your ticket a while ago. I have no time to dig into this visual issue ...

Please take a look at luci-app-commands to build/use such landing page, an adblock example is discussed here: Adblock support thread - #1515 by dibdot

thank so much for this.

i was going over the settings before i enable banIP.


i noticed this dropbox, and have a few basic questions, please?

  • not sure which to select; as i use the web gui is luci/admin/system/admin/dropbear
  • why is there a choice, does that mean my openwrt is running two ssh deamons?

dropbear is the default in OpenWrt - just leave this setting.

As usual in Opensource systems ... you have the choice. The relevant package in OpenWrt is called 'openssh-server'.

BTW, the next banIP version will also support a mixed mode ...:wink:

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do you have a account?

Thanks, but is just a hobby - nothing more. I regularly donate to a local children's hospice - much more meaningful than supporting a few router nerds. :wink:


sure, me too.

i try to support open source projects the only way i can.



Hi Dirk, thanks for this amazing piece of software!
May I see a list of banned ip such fail2ban on linux? The list include the reason of banning (i.e.: ssh failed access, https failed access, dos attack...)?

just for the record, I'm using it on a r7800 with ACwifidude last build of 2020.

In current available master banIP package you can enable logging of such ips, e.g.

Sat Jan 16 10:27:16 2021 kern.warn kernel: [619205.784775] DROP(src banIP) IN=eth3 OUT=br-lan MAC=18:e8:29:2d:30:ee:2c:91:ab:28:52:2b:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=44 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=242 ID=54412 PROTO=TCP SPT=49201 DPT=443 WINDOW=1024 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0

In my current dev version (0.7, not available yet), you can query/report more ... e.g. query on above IP

root@blackroute:/etc/banip$ /etc/init.d/banip query
::: search '' in banIP related IPSets
  - ip address '' included in IPSet 'firehol1_4'
  - ip address '' included in IPSet 'threat_4'
  - ip address '' included in IPSet 'drop_4'

and finally you can generate a report, e.g.:

root@blackroute:/etc/banip$ /etc/init.d/banip report
::: report on all banIP related IPSets
  + Report timestamp           ::: 16.01.2021 11:04:52
  + Number of all entries      ::: 138667
  + Number of IP entries       ::: 61884
  + Number of CIDR entries     ::: 76783
  + Number of MAC entries      ::: 0
  + Number of accessed entries ::: 6
::: IPSet details
    Name                 Type        Count      Cnt_IP    Cnt_CIDR  Cnt_MAC   Cnt_ACC   Entry details (Entry/Count)
    blacklist_4          src+dst     507        507       0         0         0
    blacklist_6          src+dst     1          1         0         0         0
    whitelist_4          src+dst     1          0         1         0         1
    whitelist_6          src+dst     1          0         1         0         1
											2002:b2c9:dce5::/64      3
    dshield_4            src+dst     20         0         20        0         0
    firehol1_4           src+dst     2762       403       2359      0         1
    doh_4                src+dst     169        169       0         0         1
    doh_6                src+dst     125        125       0         0         0
    voip_4               src+dst     7627       7463      164       0         0
    tor_4                src+dst     1974       1974      0         0         0
    threat_4             src+dst     2414       1427      987       0         0
    sslbl_4              src+dst     114        114       0         0         0
    yoyo_4               src+dst     10473      10473     0         0         0
    debl_4               src+dst     39161      39161     0         0         0
    debl_6               src+dst     67         67        0         0         0
    drop_4               src+dst     966        0         966       0         0
    drop_6               src+dst     36         0         36        0         0
    country_4            src+dst     52150      0         52150     0         1
    country_6            src+dst     20099      0         20099     0         1
											2001:41c0::/28           1
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Thanks, but I think I misunderstand something :frowning:

uhm, where/how?

0.7?!?! I've had 0.3.13 !!

In 0.7?
Actually, with the cli command you suggest I have only

/etc/init.d/banip report
Syntax: /etc/init.d/banip [command]

Available commands:
        start           Start the service
        stop            Stop the service
        restart         Restart the service
        reload          Reload configuration files (or restart if service does not implement reload)
        enable          Enable service autostart
        disable         Disable service autostart
        enabled         Check if service is started on boot
        refresh         Refresh ipsets without new list downloads
        running         Check if service is running
        status          Service status
        trace           Start with syscall trace

Logging is available in latest snapshot package, see download links in my first post. The required parameters are in described in the online readme.

Only 0.7.x supports reporting and is the forthcoming update (not available yet!). For now it's only running internally on my router zoo ...:wink:

Now I have to disable banIp because otherwise only my wife's smartphone disconnects from the router and the solution described in the the wiki here doesn't work... can it really be banIP the cause? Kernel log says nothing, just the message described in the wiki linked page.

Nope, I doubt that ... seems to be wireless driver related.

After much too long time I finally finished a new banIP version. Said that only the backend seems to be ready (it's running for a week in my environment), the luci part is not ready yet.
Major changes:

release 0.7.0-pre0

    major rewrite
    add support for multiple chains
    add mac whitelisting
    add support for multiple ssh daemons in parallel
    add an ipset report engine
    add mail notifications
    add suspend/resume functions
    add a cron wrapper to set an ipset related auto-timer for automatic blocklist updates
    add a list wrapper to add/remove blocklist sources
    add 19.x and Turris OS 5.x compatibility code
    sources stored in an external compressed json file (/etc/banip/banip.sources.gz)
    change Country/ASN download sources (faster/more reliable)
    fix DHCPv6/icmpv6 issues

It's not a drop in update! If you're willing to test this pre-release, please remove the old banIP version first (all components incl. config). After that fetch the current update from my github repo (it's a ready to run ipk package file), see here:

Still major things are not available, e.g. documentation & luci parts are still missing. Please ask me to get things up & running.

It would be nice to get some feedback from adventurous testers ...:wink:



@dibdot I removed the previous version, incl config files.

start/reload seems not to be working. (also rebooted the router) I enabled autostart.
any thoughts?

root@ROUTER:~# /etc/init.d/banip status
::: banIP runtime information
  + status          : disabled
  + version         : 0.7.0-pre0
  + ipset_info      : -
  + active_sources  : firehol1
  + active_devs     : -
  + active_ifaces   : -
  + active_logterms : dropbear, sshd, luci
  + active_subnets  : -
  + run_infos       : settype: src+dst, backup_dir: /tmp/banIP-Backup, report_dir: /tmp/banIP-Report
  + run_flags       : protocols (4/6): 0/0, log (src/dst): 0/0, monitor: 0, mail: 0
  + last_run        : -
  + system          : Linksys WRT3200ACM, OpenWrt 19.07.6 r11278-8055e38794

Don't know if it's related, but in luci systemlog is broken after installing 0.7.0
Unable to load log data: Executable not found