Well, I'll stop all my activities here.
It's amazing that in each photo they upload of the wireless state, the noise level of each radio is getting higher and higher.
I don't think you need to stop what you are doing altogether. What @rmandrad suggested was that it could be done in another topic. This one has 1083 posts in it now, which can be an awful lot to read through in order to get the context of the current state of development. Even my message here is just cluttering that up. If we want developers (like rmandrad and dangowrt) to have the best opportunity to work together and help develop solutions for us, we need to make sure that we don't overwhelm the topic with other topics. Simply, this is not the place for that, but you are welcome and encouraged to share your experience in a topic that is specific to that end.
I personally would like to continue to see your contributions as I can see there is value to them, but I understand that you may have felt discouraged or criticized - I firmly believe that rmandrad had made his comment not to discourage or to criticize, but to clearly and directly address the goal of this topic.
Blessings, and happy new year.
thank you @barneysspeedshop absolutely no intention to discourage or criticize @woziwrt in fact i thought there could be a forum solely focused on the mtk-sdk build share experiences etc
been running with 2000 mW and temp for the sfp came down by 20C running at 60c no errors so far ...
So this whole time I didn't need a 92mm noctua fan sitting on my BPI to cool it down
so it came down by 20 degC by moving from 2500mW to 2000mW?!! OMG
what sfp modules are in play here?
I hope this will be merged in the 24.10/SNAPSHOT as it's really something i'm afraid of ( temperatures)
Will you send this jumbo frame patch to upstream kernel?
Is everyone still using AX mode for the 6ghz antenna? On vanilla snapshot from openwrt firmware selector I'm still having trouble getting BE mode to work right (320mhz). I am pretty sure we're still waiting to get the driver worked out, but maybe I missed something or have done something incorrectly.
I am using AX for 6ghz because my S24U can't get the speeds on BE
Hi, MTK has a jumbo frame patch (5.4) that I adapted to 6.6, I have a pull against openwrt. I expect MTK submit their own pull to upstream as it is their HW.
Regarding the HW temperatures it will be nice for people to try it out and provide their feedback. based on feedback I may submit the patch to openwrt
here are latest images
So the sfp doesn't pull as much power as needed but instead pulls as much as provided and just transfers that to heat?
I mean it isn't like you are undervolting the chip with that setting. More like cheap power management circuitry on either side?
I think that it is better that you send the patch to upstream rather than just wait for mtk to do this, as there are already a lot of patches they haven't sent yet. Besides, can you give me a link to SDK implementation of jumbo frame?
that is my reasoning ...and the sfp code shows 2000 max if my memory is right... but we haven't gone yet into 10Gb as there's no rss/lro for the time being so it may need the 4500 also who knows what other SFP devices need ... hence if people can try the patch will be useful
these are the two files ... just change maximum-power-milliwatt to 2000
Thanks for the image, I tried upgrading to the new image (even resetting everything) and it seems at least ipv6 with dhcpv6 proto (default wan6 config) doesn't work. Any idea what's the issue?
yes It will be a great thing from him ( thankful for his efforts )
I have Question in my mind :
The guys here are working by testing and sharing information about WiFi-7 and MLO is their any benefit ... ?....
( I mean are these tests and tries will be reflected on Official OpenWRT or it will be for specific people who want use developer image ?
So, just now I have created the topic [Banana BPI-R4] all related to MTK-SDK
solely focused on the mtk-sdk builds, experience etc...
i am not using dnsmasq and use unbound / odhcpd instead ipv6 is disable. you can use apk to setup your own config