Ayudaaaaa para instalar OpenWRT en NanoStations M5 (XW)

Hola disculpa soy nuevo en esto del Open WRT lo que me atrajo a este forum es el hecho de que tengo un Nano Stations M5 y me gustaria instalarle OpenWRT y busque muchos videos tutoriales en youtube pero no encontre ninguno sobre cómo instalarlo en un NS M5 por lo que busco un video tutorial paso a paso para instalar el Open WRT porque me es de vital importancia pero temo dejar el equipo inutilizable devido a una mala manipulación si no es molestia la agradeceria a la comunidad de este foro que me ayude con un tutorial en video, paso a paso de la instalación del OpenWRT y cual vercion seria mejor en mi (Nano Stations M5 Versión: v6.1.2 (XW)) espero puedan ayudarme Saludos

English please.

Im sorry i not speak ingles only spanish

help my please

Use Google Translate...


Hello, sorry I am new to this Open WRT. What attracted me in this forum is the fact that I have a Nano Stations M5 and I would like to install OpenWRT and look for many tutorial videos on YouTube but I did not find any on how to install it in an NS M5 by what I'm looking for a step-by-step video tutorial to install the Open WRT because it is of vital importance to me but I can leave the unusable equipment due to a bad manipulation if it is not annoying I would thank the community of this forum to help me with a tutorial in video, step by step of the installation of OpenWRT and which version would be better in my (Nano Stations M5 Version: v6.1.2 (XW)) I hope you can help me Regards

Nothing to be sorry about.

The firmware is located here...

https://openwrt.org/toh/views/toh_fwdownload?dataflt[Model*~]= NanoStation+Loco+M5+xw

I would suggest reading the LEDE Quick Start Guide...


...and the LEDE User Guide.


Make sure it’s something you want to take on.

LEDE does need to be configured, more so than stock firmware…it is not plug and play.

Often, settings that are not configured correctly cause more issues than not. Becoming familiar with LEDE beforehand is helpful in avoiding that.

Also, make sure you know how to revert back to stock firmware in case things go wrong.

Understand what “failsafe mode” is, what a TFTP recovery is, what a serial recovery is, and when you need to do what.