Associated stations - making hostnames visible across multiple APs

looks exactly like yours except /5 instead of /1

root@XXX:~# crontab -l
*/5 * * * * scp /tmp/dhcp.leases root@IP_AP1:/tmp/dhcp.leases
*/5 * * * * scp /tmp/dhcp.leases root@IP_AP2:/tmp/dhcp.leases

and as said previously everything works (copy is updated every 5mn) but with a logged cron.err message

If you want to suppress these messages:

uci set system.@system[0].cronloglevel='9'
uci commit system
/etc/init.d/cron restart

I cannot tell this from the crond log message alone, but since it works fine, I would guess there was no error.

OK THX I'll stay like it is by default to level 5
as moving to cronloglevel=9 well modifies the reporting level with no report of the cron start nor of the scp copies every 5 mn. But it also donnot report of true errors (I introduced a wrong line in the crontab for testing and it was not detected)

This post gives an explanation at the end


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Wow, working great!
Should add the same command on startup also?
Maybe cron job is executing the code also on startup?

Thanks @pkmann !! Learned something new and improved user experience on access points :grin:

@66enligne same cron reports err even if command executed successfully. looks like its done to save memory Cron.err - why? - #5 by biangbiangmian

This may help as well:

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Any chance this can be made into a package or added to Luci by default for all those folks to like to manage their devices from within Luci?

I'm having trouble making the directory.

It won't create the folder because a file exists, but no file exists?

root@rp4-openwrt:/# mkdir ~/.ssh/
mkdir: can't create directory '/root/.ssh/': File exists
root@rp4-openwrt:/# ls
bin         dev         lib         lost+found  overlay     rom         sbin        tmp         var
boot        etc         lib64       mnt         proc        root        sys         usr         www
root@rp4-openwrt:/# mkdir ~/.ssh/
mkdir: can't create directory '/root/.ssh/': File exists
root@rp4-openwrt:/# cd /.ssh/
-ash: cd: can't cd to /.ssh/: No such file or directory


It has created a new folder /root/.ssh is that the correct folder structure or should it be /.ssh/ ?

Edit 2

I've got it working. Thanks for adding those tips.

How to do this from command line?

Your answer is contained within the quote. What issue are you experiencing?

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My question is how to add a public key from the command line instead of Luci Web UI.

Post # one.

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I thought this was about generating SSH keys, not adding a public key on the secondary device.



Usage: dropbearkey -t <type> -f <filename> [-s bits]
-t type	Type of key to generate. One of:
-f filename    Use filename for the secret key.
               ~/.ssh/id_dropbear is recommended for client keys.
-s bits	Key size in bits, should be a multiple of 8 (optional)
           Ed25519 has a fixed size of 256 bits
-y		Just print the publickey and fingerprint for the
		private key in <filename>.

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I want to do this:

using command-line

dropbearkey ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_dropbear`

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root@OpenWrt:~# ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_dropbear
-ash: ssh-keygen: not found

I think you don't understand my question.

I want to paste SSH key using command line and not in Luci.

Yep. You need to add it. Or just use the dropbearkey stanza if you want to replicate the OP’s method. Generating public and private keys

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can you show me?

From your animation, yes you should be able to use a dropbearkey to copy the public key to LuCI/Administration/SSH-Keys. I believe it is OpenSSH compatible, but if you want to replicate the OP’s post, the dropbearkey` is required because Dropbear needs the keys in a different format to OpenSSH. Reread the wiki link.

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