Argon theme installation with apk?

I didn't make myself clear...That config provided does not work (I tried it)...And I also tried the fix @main...Did not work either...But like I said being able to upload a background is an easy workround by uploading it the folder I stated.
No deselecting the theme does not resolve the issue...The argon theme works with the apk add --allow-untrusted command before it for installation...This command does not work for the argon config and the @main edit also does not solve the issue...But like I said you can work around this at least for setting your background (And probably other things as well but I only was interested in changing the background).

you can add the repository and install it from software.
Edit /etc/apk/repositories.d/customfeeds.list.
add /etc/apk/keys/ the key file

update sofware and it should let you install it

my version is aarch64_cortex-a53 check yours and change it to the one you have.

Yes...Thanks...I got that from that location a few weeks ago...Forgot to close. Will do now.

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