AR8327 Virtual Cable Test

I'm about to give up on this little endavour unless some 'aha' moment is shared :wink:

It looks like for whatever reason, it's not easily possible to read those extended registers. For example, readin the PHYID works just fine, on all normal ports; but reading the cable test register, just gives some random data, that isn't supposed to be there (datasheet says 'RO, always 0' and it clearly isn't. So am I reading even the right registers? Is there some other magic involved?

	pr_err("%s-%d: test\n", __func__, __LINE__);
	pr_err("ID: 0x%x %x\n", mdiobus_read(bus, port, MII_PHYSID1), mdiobus_read(bus, port, MII_PHYSID2));
	pr_err("ID-bus: 0x%x %x\n", bus->read(bus, port, MII_PHYSID1), bus->read(bus, port, MII_PHYSID2));
	pr_err("VCT: 0x%x %x\n", mdiobus_read(bus, port, 0x1c), mdiobus_read(bus, port, 0x16));

The mdiobus_read command obviously works; and reading any of the other MII standard registers works just fine as well ...