I just tried that: FB 7520 on snapshot, Google Pixel 6 on 5 GHz w/ WPA3. When i download a larger file to the mobile, i'll get approx. 95 MBit/s w/ a system load of 0,4 on my 100/40 DSL line.
Hi! I'm coming back here as I've received my BTHH5A and successfully installed OpenWRT, but I'm having trouble connecting to my ISP through PPPoE. My ISP is Orange (France). I know my PPPoE username and password, and it is working perfectly fine on my TD-W9970 with the default orange PPPoE setting. I'm quoting shdf has I've seen on the forum that he already connected to the BT HH5A with Orange over VDSL2 in 2017, but any help is needed. What should I do to connect to my ADSL2+ network please?
Hi @codeugo you'll find more help on the french forum here :
i know there is a guy renaud07 still using his BTHH5A on adls2+ i'm sure he will share his configuration with you.
I used my BTHH5A on a vdsl line, the configuration is not the same, and it was a long time ago, now i have a fiber line with SFR.