Adding OpenWrt support for Xiaomi "Redmi Router AX6S"/"Xiaomi Router AX3200"

Original nvram options:

  boot_fw0=run boot_rd_img;bootm
  boot_fw1=run boot_rd_img2;bootm
  boot_rd_img=nand read ${loadaddr} 0x2C0000 2000;image_blks 2048;nand read ${loadaddr} 0x2C0000 ${img_align_size}
  boot_rd_img2=nand read ${loadaddr} 0x20C0000 2000;image_blks 2048;nand read ${loadaddr} 0x20C0000 ${img_align_size}

I think that to support kernel 6.x we will change this:

And add similar patch:

And to switch from OpenWRT 23.x to OpenWRT 24.x, the user must run the following commands:

dd if=factory.bin bs=1M count=4 | mtd write - kernel
dd if=factory.bin bs=1M skip=4 count=2 | mtd write - ubi
dd if=factory.bin bs=1M skip=6  | mtd -p 2097152 write - ubi
reboot -f
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