Adding OpenWrt support for Xiaomi AX3600 (Part 1)

Sounds like you don't, cause if you didn't enable it manually then you don't and the only recovery method is TFTP.
I haven't really used it(Maybe once before) and the port status makes no sense.
Which port did you plug in to?

when i got ssh from xiaomi's firmware I copy pasted the

nvram set uart_en=1
nvram set boot_wait=on
nvram commit

but now I'm not even sure.
Guess I'll have to wait for someone to help me with TFTP I guess.

But then you should be able to interrupt the bootloader, have you tried just spamming any key as soon as you power it?

I tried spamming, keeping the key pressed, everything...

Hm, it would be interesting to see a Wireshark capture to see whether you actually have DHCP requests being sent

Okay, I'll have to test it when I go home, I have another exam un 30minutes...
As I'm searching for what I could have copy pasted in the SSH terminal, I found this :

setenv uart_en 1
setenv telnet_en 1
setenv ssh_en 1

Maybe I used those lines (I can just remerber there wasn't any error in the terminal when trying to enable UART.
Hope those for lines were also good to enable UART...

Well those wouldn't have worked

But would they have thrown error in the terminal (ex: command not found)? I that's the case then those aren't the ones I executed...

Well not since you just set a local terminal variable, those were meant to be executed inside of the U-boot console.

Crap then I guess I executed those and don't have UART write enable...
Hope I can fix it with TFTP.

It should work, but its hard to tell blindly.

Ideally on both bands. But it would be sufficient if it can reach 30db on 2.4 ghz

if you want to reach 30 db on each band you can use

iwconfig wl0 txpower 30
iwconfig wl1 txpower 30

I have modified that file : /etc/rc.local

(sleep 60; iwconfig wl0 txpower 30; iwconfig wl1 txpower 30) &
exit 0

In order to make it happen after every reboot


Have you tried Xiaomi's tftp recovery tool?

It seems to work fine every time for me but I do run Windows.

Can I use this command on standard EU firmware with ssh access? I just want to test range difference.

Nevermind I've tested it and it's working.

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No I don't, unable to find the link again, saw it once here but can't find it. Do you have thΓ© link ?

Mi router repair tool can be downloaded here:

Also download an official ROM to flash.

Thanks, do you have a tuto for it since I don't speak chinese? a pop-up asks me to plug a USB device?

Found this which has a link here I guess that's the tuto I have to follow

There is no need for any config changes for usage dnsmasq in that way. Just install it and run command provided in wiki (with your own path to dir with recovery img).

I always get dnsmasq command not found when installing from brew, did you get it from elsewhere?