Adding OpenWrt support for Xiaomi AX3600 (Part 1)

This commit
ath11k: remove WAR for xmit callback when hwencap enable

and the current firmware we have is

WLAN.HK. uploaded in May

Hm... I knew I have seen something similar with higher tier MTK radios:

@Ansuel Can there be a relation?

Probably not a good idea until encap/decap offload is working?

That is why I asked Ansuel :slight_smile: I assume noone has access to the FW variant mentioned in that commit. (WLAN.HK. nor has an expected release date...

the problem is that all these chinese companies had a good advertising team and forced us to buy products with zero support and the companies not even care about them, i am sure that ax 3600 in its factory firmware have hidden algorithms witch download ads , kills adblocks and send private infos back to China,i also beleive that they will never allow us to load their products with custom firmwares, these dirty practices are happenenig to both xiaomi and huawei, Routers and phones, i think its time for all of us to move away from such practices!!

The define I changed is used in just one location (in mac.c):

    ar->hw->wiphy->tx_queue_len = ATH11K_QUEUE_LEN;

Seems to be TX, not RX.

Either way, I expect a too small queue to end up in packet loss and I'd rather accept lost packages during high (or even moderate) traffic over out of memory conditions. Lost packages are usually retransmitted automatically while oom usually asks for operator intervention.

Did we check if it's present in the beta driver?

Beta driver?

I dont think so.

here we have but old revision

Yeah I tested that as well.
Didn't work.

Nobody forced you to buy anything, or does your ISP force you to buy a Xiaomi router if you want service? Also you really getting into conspiracy territory here with all the adblock stuff

Greetings. Not a very experienced user. Is there any hope for a stable firmware version? I just want to buy this device

No and we can't tell you when.
Don't buy it.

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I'm devastated :smiley:

Two devices, anyone? :stuck_out_tongue:


No dude , better give 50more euros and buy a Linksys or Tp-Link or D-link, stay away from Huawei and xiaomi!!

what conpiracy? i see how pihole sucks after connecting it to this router, all services stop because of it trying to bypass it and gives millions of requests in just a few minutes with result FTL service to stop working and pihole become just unusable , you can try it by yourself!!, where is the factory firmware which corrects all those confirmed problems? last one was october 2020 and was just garbage, buggy as hell !!check how many users have problems with lan port forwarding, it just dont pass anything in lan, this is ridicolous for an AX device, i can show you ancient G devices from 2010 which have no problem with it, , thats no conspiracy theory, this is reality! Get a life now and stop being some kind of a company sheep. see the truth!!

By the way, you could possibly use Pi-Hole with the International firmware if you set you Pi-Hole as DHCP server as well instead of having the AX3600 be your DHCP server. Im using the Chinese firmware with this setup and I feel its more robust.

yep tried it but its not working always ,some times it downloads ads , but also i read in a webpage with solutions for the port forwarding problem that the router can port forward correctly only when the destination ip is in its DHCP server range!! to be honest it doesnt worked but it the closest to realityy solution to the port forwarding issue!! and by the way, have you ever tried to apt-update and apt-upgrade a linux client in its lan?? never worked for me!!