Add support for Linksys EA6350 v3

Thanks a lot! I later found this dts file and a more detailed flash layout of WRT1900ACS.
After about 20h's investigation, I finally made it to use the whole NAND and not recompiling the openwrt.

I'll enclose an instruction here for those who needed.
WARNING: these instruction are for expert users only. Serial connection is needed. Sysupgrade will be unusable. U-Boot could be destroyed, leading to bricked device if you operated on the wrong NAND device. Please don't follow the instruction unless you fully understand what's going on.

  1. First of all, backup everything(sysdiag and syscfg): use either use the mtd command manually or use the backup feature in LuCI, in case they are useful.
  2. To make our life easier, we also backup the ubi volumes here using the following commands
dd if=/dev/ubi0_0 of=/tmp/ubi0_0.img
dd if=/dev/ubi0_1 of=/tmp/ubi0_1.img
  1. If you had a look at the sysdiag volume you can see that there's nothing (all of 0xFF), so things become easy now as we can merge everything into a big rootfs
  2. Access the U-Boot console through TTL serial, and first of all we disable the auto_recovery feature
setenv auto_recovery no
  1. Then we'll execute the mtdparts to partition our flash
setenv mtdids
setenv mtdparts
setenv mtdids nand1=spi0.1
mtdparts add nand1 0x8000000 kernel
mtdparts add nand1 0x7d00000@0x300000 rootfs

(note the nand1 here is from the output of nand info)

  1. After partition we'll make the ubi volume and ubifs
ubi part rootfs
ubi create rootfs 0x26c000
ubi create rootfs_data

You can see the following output if successful:

(EA6350v3) # ubi create rootfs 0x26c000
Creating dynamic volume rootfs of size 2539520
(EA6350v3) # ubi create rootfs_data
No size specified -> Using max size (122658816)
Creating dynamic volume rootfs_data of size 122658816
(EA6350v3) # ubi info l
UBI: volume information dump:
UBI: vol_id          0
UBI: reserved_pebs   20
UBI: alignment       1
UBI: data_pad        0
UBI: vol_type        3
UBI: name_len        6
UBI: usable_leb_size 126976
UBI: used_ebs        20
UBI: used_bytes      2539520
UBI: last_eb_bytes   126976
UBI: corrupted       0
UBI: upd_marker      0
UBI: name            rootfs

UBI: volume information dump:
UBI: vol_id          1
UBI: reserved_pebs   966
UBI: alignment       1
UBI: data_pad        0
UBI: vol_type        3
UBI: name_len        11
UBI: usable_leb_size 126976
UBI: used_ebs        966
UBI: used_bytes      122658816
UBI: last_eb_bytes   126976
UBI: corrupted       0
UBI: upd_marker      0
UBI: name            rootfs_data

UBI: volume information dump:
UBI: vol_id          2147479551
UBI: reserved_pebs   2
UBI: alignment       1
UBI: data_pad        0
UBI: vol_type        3
UBI: name_len        13
UBI: usable_leb_size 126976
UBI: used_ebs        2
UBI: used_bytes      253952
UBI: last_eb_bytes   2
UBI: corrupted       0
UBI: upd_marker      0
UBI: name            layout volume
  1. Then we can recover our backup of ubifs
tftpboot 82000000 test_0_0.ubi
ubi write 82000000 rootfs 26c000
tftpboot 83000000 test_0_1.ubi
ubi write 83000000 rootfs_data 1e84000
  1. Then we need to setup the bootargs
# First we backup the old bootart
setenv partbootargs_old $partbootargs
# Then we overwrite with new one
setenv partbootargs_old "init=/sbin/init $mtdparts ubi.mtd=11,2048 ubi.block=0,0 root=/dev/ubiblock0_0 rootwait ro"
  1. Now we can try to boot again
run bootpart1
  1. As you can see, the ubi volume is resized, however the fs refused to resize, so I entered the failsafe mode and did a full copy
# In failsafe console
mkdir /tmp/ubi01
mount  -t ubifs /dev/ubi0_1 /tmp/ubi01
mkdir /tmp/ubi01_bak
cp -a /tmp/ubi01 /tmp/ubi01_bak
umount  /tmp/ubi01
ubiupdatevol /dev/ubi0_1 -t
mount  -t ubifs /dev/ubi0_1 /tmp/ubi01
cp -a /tmp/ubi01_bak/* /tmp
umount /tmp/ubi01

(I'm not that familiar with cp command and please adapt your command accordingly)

  1. Done!
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