Adblock vs Adguard Home

How bizarre... I have not installed the latest beta. I have just verified from the 8080 dashboard and the script installed the last released version, not the beta as I thought before. Sorry for my previous misleading post. I've tried to edit my previous message to change from beta to released on last paragraph, but it seems I cannot anymore.

If you have a peek in the adguardhome.yaml file that is in /opt/AdguardHome you should see this

bind_port: 8080
beta_bind_port: 3001 

The beta port is the "new" dashboard. It was also the one i was having issues with when i last tested but i was testing with an over the top install and i didn't know if that was the reason. Now i have a clean install and can poke and play and break more things :slight_smile:

I do have a concern with how it installs however. Its causing me some thought as it really requires a re-write or a better way of doing the interface selection.

Right now if you tell it "All Interfaces" it binds to however this then means it will serve DNS on your PUBLIC interface (which really isn't advisable).

it would be better to maybe select which interfaces rather than do an ALL or just one.
Mostly because you want DNS on loopback (, your ip4 lan ( and your ip6 lan (::1) but you don't want it on the public interfaces.

Also there is NO Way at present to edit these values once it has done its initial setup other than to manually edit the yaml file which isn't ideal for newer users. Maybe some sort of initial config page needs adding or the install process adjusting. I'm going to have a think about things and see if i can write up something to report as an issue for their team.

So. The beta dashboard is nice looking however. Still broken. It will give you the main dashboard pages instead the proper subpages. Opening the sublinks gets a 404.

Also given my router is a bt hub 5 and only has 128mb of memory...

I feel the stats pic from the bottom of the beta page may be inaccurate...

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Mine shows 0 for beta_bind_port. I suppose it's because its release, not beta.

Yes, there should be a way of maybe re-run the initial setup to change settings in case the user changes his/hers mind after initial setup. Have you tried renaming the yaml file to something else and restarting the service to see if it enables the setup page again?
At least this should allow users to compare yaml files side to side.

i wouldnt say it beta. More like alpha. I am going to have a look and see if they have any notes or explainations about the beta pages and if there are issues filed on them.

regarding the yaml file. i just edit it to change values. I acutally install it on port 5353 then swap openwrts dnsmasq dns port from 53 to 5353 and swap Adguards from 5353 to 53. This way instead of it being an upstream feed for openwrt its the acutal source dns and thus can give me proper statistics instead of the 127 loopback that openwrt uses.

so like this.

Clients > Openwrt > Adguard via upstream feed > DNS

Port change and it becomes

Clients > Adguard > DNS
with OpenWRT running in background on port 5353 as a "backup" dns (i have it set to use googles dns) My Adguard uses cloudflare. Just makes double checking which dns is in use easy. Just do a dns leak test and see which is reported.