let me try this config
no effect
config used.
What block list(s) are you using? And have you checked if your browser is using DNS over HTTTPS/TLS?
Show us the setting
root@OpenWrt:~# uci show adblock
adblock.global.adb_safesearchlist='google' 'bing' 'duckduckgo' 'yandex' 'youtube ' 'pixabay'
adblock.global.adb_sources='android_tracking' 'anudeep' 'bitcoin' 'disconnect' ' doh_blocklist' 'easylist' 'easyprivacy' 'firetv_tracking' 'games_tracking' 'oisd _basic' 'openphish' 'reg_cn' 'reg_cz' 'reg_de' 'reg_es' 'reg_fi' 'reg_fr' 'reg_i d' 'reg_it' 'reg_jp' 'reg_kr' 'reg_nl' 'reg_pl' 'reg_ro' 'reg_ru' 'reg_se' 'reg_ vn' 'smarttv_tracking' 'spam404' 'stopforumspam' 'wally3k' 'winhelp' 'winspy' 'y oyo'
root@OpenWrt:~# service adblock status
::: adblock runtime information
+ adblock_status : enabled
+ adblock_version : 4.1.5
+ blocked_domains : 185550
+ active_sources : android_tracking, anudeep, bitcoin, disconnect, doh_blocklist, easylist, easyprivacy, firetv_track
ing, games_tracking, oisd_basic, openphish, reg_cn, reg_cz, reg_de, reg_es, reg_fi, reg_fr, reg_id
, reg_it, reg_jp, reg_kr, reg_nl, reg_pl, reg_ro, reg_ru, reg_se, reg_vn, smarttv_tracking, spam40
4, stopforumspam, wally3k, winhelp, winspy, yoyo
+ dns_backend : dnsmasq (-), /tmp/dnsmasq.d
+ run_utils : download: /bin/uclient-fetch, sort: /usr/libexec/sort-coreutils, awk: /bin/busybox
+ run_ifaces : trigger: wan6, report: -
+ run_directories : base: /tmp, backup: /tmp/adblock-Backup, report: /tmp/adblock-Report, jail: /tmp
+ run_flags : backup: ✔, flush: ✘, force: ✘, search: ✔, report: ✘, mail: ✘, jail: ✘
+ last_run : reload, 8m 19s, 121/67/49, 2022-10-31T18:22:08+00:00
+ system : Netgear WNDR4300 v2, OpenWrt 22.03.1 r19777-2853b6d652
Hi @dibdot I'm not sure if I'm the only one having this issue but AdBlock UI is not loading on a custom build.
This is from the latest master/snapshot.
Generated luci-app-adblock
IPK: luci-app-adblock_git-22.130.58625-78a8c67_all.ipk
I'm not sure what to do next
Hi @dibdot .. I was able to fix it by updating the code in /etc/init.d/adblock
Re-introduced checking of extra_command
if [ -n "$(type -t extra_command)" ]
extra_command "suspend" "Suspend adblock processing"
extra_command "resume" "Resume adblock processing"
extra_command "query" "<domain> Query active blocklists and backups for a specific domain"
extra_command "report" "[[<cli>|<mail>|<gen>|<json>] [<count>] [<search>]] Print DNS statistics with an optional search parameter"
extra_command "list" "[<add>|<add_sha>|<add_utc>|<add_eng>|<add_stb>|<remove>|<remove_sha>|<remove_utc>|<remove_eng>|<remove_stb>] <source(s)> List/Edit available sources"
extra_command "timer" "[<add> <tasks> <hour> [<minute>] [<weekday>]]|[<remove> <line no.>] List/Edit cron update intervals"
extra_command "version" "Print version information"
EXTRA_COMMANDS="status suspend resume query report list timer version"
EXTRA_HELP=" status Service status
suspend Suspend adblock processing
resume Resume adblock processing
query <domain> Query active blocklists and backups for a specific domain
report [[<cli>|<mail>|<gen>|<json>] [<count>] [<search>]] Print DNS statistics with an optional search parameter
list [<add>|<add_sha>|<add_utc>|<add_eng>|<add_stb>|<remove>|<remove_sha>|<remove_utc>|<remove_eng>|<remove_stb>] <source(s)> List/Edit available sources
timer [<add> <tasks> <hour> [<minute>] [<weekday>]]|[<remove> <line no.>] List/Edit cron update intervals
version Print version information"
And now it's working again and also adjusted my test build accordingly for not yet fully supported router.
That's expected, adblock 4.1.5 no longer support the 21.02-branch. Therefore the latest adblock has only be backported to 22.03 ...
Oh i see.. thanks for the info. I'm using lean
for the test build for Linksys MR7350 base feeds are based on 21.02 branch except for AdBlock and DNSMasq (v2.86 - to support large blocklist without CPU suffering compared to v2.85) which is pulled from the latest snapshot.
Even with a tested 800k compiled blocklist, response time of v2.86 is super-super fast especially for multi-core routers. Almost no noticeable CPU hit hahaha compared to v2.85 which suffers badly even on a less than 200k compiled blocklist.
Good day!
OpenWRT 22.03.2
Adblock 4.1.5
Unable to process adaway, adguard and yoyo blocklist "Failed to send request: Operation not permitted" error:
What could be the cause ? Thanks!
# logread -e adblock
Fri Nov 11 00:00:00 2022 cron.err crond[13911]: USER root pid 16725 cmd /etc/init.d/adblock restart
Fri Nov 11 00:00:04 2022 user.info adblock-4.1.5[16783]: adblock instance started ::: action: restart, priority: 0, pid: 16783
Fri Nov 11 00:00:08 2022 user.info adblock-4.1.5[16783]: download of 'adaway' failed, url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdAway/adaway.github.io/master/hosts.txt, rule: /^127\.0\.0\.1[[:space:]]+([[:alnum:]_-]{1,63}\.)+[[:alpha:]]+([[:space:]]|$)/{print tolower($2)}, categories: -, rc: 4, log: Downloading 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AdAway/adaway.github.io/master/hosts.txt' Failed to send request: Operation not permitted
Fri Nov 11 00:00:08 2022 user.info adblock-4.1.5[16783]: download of 'adguard' failed, url: https://adguardteam.github.io/AdGuardSDNSFilter/Filters/filter.txt, rule: BEGIN{FS="[/|^|\r]"}/^\|\|([[:alnum:]_-]{1,63}\.)+[[:alpha:]]+[\/\^\r]+$/{print tolower($3)}, categories: -, rc: 4, log: Downloading 'https://adguardteam.github.io/AdGuardSDNSFilter/Filters/filter.txt' Failed to send request: Operation not permitted
Fri Nov 11 00:00:14 2022 user.info adblock-4.1.5[16783]: blocklist with overall 4624 blocked domains loaded successfully (TP-Link Archer C2600, OpenWrt 22.03.2 r19803-9a599fee93)
# /etc/init.d/adblock status
::: adblock runtime information
+ adblock_status : enabled
+ adblock_version : 4.1.5
+ blocked_domains : 4624
+ active_sources : adaway, adguard, disconnect, yoyo
+ dns_backend : dnsmasq (-), /tmp/dnsmasq.d
+ run_utils : download: /bin/uclient-fetch, sort: /usr/libexec/sort-coreutils, awk: /bin/busybox
+ run_ifaces : trigger: wan, report: -
+ run_directories : base: /tmp, backup: /tmp, report: /tmp, jail: /tmp
+ run_flags : backup: _, flush: _, force: _, search: _, report: _, mail: _, jail: _
+ last_run : restart, 0m 10s, 477/398/386, 2022-11-11T00:00:14+02:00
+ system : TP-Link Archer C2600, OpenWrt 22.03.2 r19803-9a599fee93
# opkg list-installed | grep -E 'coreutils-sort|uclient-fetch'
coreutils-sort - 9.0-2
uclient-fetch - 2021-05-14-6a6011df-1
# uci show adblock
uci show adblock
adblock.global.adb_portlist='53 853 5353'
adblock.global.adb_mailtopic='adblock notification'
adblock.global.adb_sources='adaway' 'adguard' 'disconnect' 'yoyo'
This is unrelated to adblock, most probably an IPv6 routing problem. Does the IPv4/IPv6 Ping test work for you on the LuCI Diagnostic page? If not, try disabling your IPv6 interface.
I just installed LuCi adblock and it isn't working. What kind of info would I need to provide to get help?
Hi, how did you test the AdBlock? And what browser and OS are you using?
Based on your screenshot, you have only around 55k worth of blocklisted domains. So maybe the site/ad you saw/tested is not part of the list.
Also you enabled the Force Local DNS
and forced it to your lan
zone. Did you also select the port(s) to force? What ports did you use.
Please also note, if your OS or especially browser is using DNS over HTTPS AdBlock won't work as is (by default) since it will bypass your routers DNS.
I used this on Safari on MacOS 12.6. I also saw ads on the YouTube app on my iPhone.
I seem to have not forced any ports. I think that was my issue? I see 53, 853, and 5353. Which should I force?
I don't know if Safari uses DNS over HTTPS.
YouTube ads can't be blocked, since youtube uses the same domain names for ads.
Best you enable all 3 ports.
By default, MacOS doesn't use DNS over HTTPS/TLS, which in turn Safari. Other browsers like Chrome and Firefox do use it but I know it doesn't use it by default.
This my result based on the link you provided, but take note, my current setup has around 180k of domains blocked and I have another package that setup blocking of DNS over HTTPS or TLS (which dosen't work for the latest version of openwrt).
Since my network is ipv4 only I disabled ipv6 on the lan interface and in dnsmasq. Rebooted the router and still adguard complains:
Sat Nov 12 17:53:37 2022 user.info adblock-4.1.5[3440]: download of 'adguard' failed, url: https://adguardteam.github.io/AdGuardSDNSFilter/Filters/filter.txt, rule: BEGIN{FS="[/|^|\r]"}/^\|\|([[:alnum:]_-]{1,63}\.)+[[:alpha:]]+[\/\^\r]+$/{print tolower($3)}, categories: -, rc: 4, log: Downloading 'https://adguardteam.github.io/AdGuardSDNSFilter/Filters/filter.txt' Failed to send request: Operation not permitted
I enabled all 3 ports and my blocked domains rose by 19. Idk when that happened.
I ran the test again but it only blocked 12% of ads. That feels really low. Any idea of how to get that % up?
I added more sources but that didn't help at all.
This can be due to some other reasons..
)Can you list down the block list items you have selected?
I'm assuming you meant the Blocklist Sources, which are:
I also added basic from the Energized List Selection but idk what that does. Also added standard from the StevenBlack List Selection but idk what that does either.