But browsing patterns vary from day to day.
I’ve contemplated something like this before.
- Run for a week or so with a full Adblock list and dnsmasq logging enabled.
- Gather all blocked domains from the dnsmasq log.
- Make a smaller block list based on those actual results.
- Every n days, compare the latest downloaded blocklist with the queried domains in the dnsmasq log to see if any would-be-blocked domains detected. If so, add them to the custom blocklist.
- Every week or so, check if any domains in the block list are not being hit anymore in the dnsmasq log. After a suitable waiting period, remove them.
I just never did anything about it.
Seems an intriguing concept but isn't it somewhat academic since the OISD list seems to work perfectly well without using much memory anyway?
Sure. This was on that other router platform before dnsmasq 2.86 made larger lists more efficient to use.
Already with the first point, I see that it can handle a complete list, therefore the following points are unnecessary. The idea was that the "heavy" work would be done by some service like Github and the router would only have to update the blocklist every so often.
That is why it would have to be updated from time to time.
But on what kind of hardware? It is still limited by the amount of RAM.
Well it's completely academic now isn't it since dnsmasq 2.86 has rendered even mediocre devices able to use enormous lists like oisd that deal with everything anyway, right?
No matter how many versions of dnsmasq there are, I doubt it can do "magic". Even the "small" version makes the 64 MB RAM device very slow. And I don't know what you mean by "academic". And that the people of OISD do a great job, do not mean that it is specific and ultra optimized for my use.
This is how the router is seen today:
This is how Oisd Big's list is seen:
And this having the 5GHz band disabled.
Have you tried using the oisd small list?
Looks like a good option for low mem devices. Unless you want to use an external device eg pihole, or external DNS adblockers eg nextdns, adguard.
Apparently, it is a good result. I don't understand why it was like that and with adblock
and simple-adblock
had "unpleasant" results.
Interesting. You can use the service script in this thread with minimal change I imagine?
@Wizballs perhaps we should generalized this out to a variable defined at the start of the service file?
Don't you think simple-adblock
should do this job?
Only one way to find out really
I wanted a blocking list that would return NULL addresses AND prevent the HTTPS (type65) queries from bypassing the adblocking. This script has some potentially useful ideas:
- Use curl option -z to only download the updated file from oisd.nl if it is newer than the local file.
- Produce both
entries per domain. - Simple whitelisting through a
grep -vf
command. - Diffing the new and existing lists to make sure there is a real difference before restarting dnsmasq and destroying the existing cache.
- Running
dnsmasq --test --conf-file=/tmp/oisd/oisd.new
to make sure no syntax errors before restarting dnsmasq.
Memory usage for dnsmasq is 12328 kB (VmSize).
I don't know that I'll keep using this or not, but since this seemed like a good do-it-yourself adblock thread, I thought I'd share it.
logmsg() { logger -t "$(basename $0)" $*; }
logmsg "Starting adblock update"
[ -d /tmp/oisd ] || mkdir -p /tmp/oisd
[ -f /etc/oisd/whitelist ] || touch /etc/oisd/whitelist
# Only download the file if it is newer on the server, or missing locally
if ! curl -z /tmp/oisd/dnsmasq2 -s -R https://small.oisd.nl/dnsmasq2 -o /tmp/oisd/dnsmasq2; then
logmsg "oisd.nl download failed!"
exit 1
# Exit if the downloaded file is still older than the current local blocklist
if [ -f /tmp/dnsmasq.d/oisd.list ] && [ /tmp/oisd/dnsmasq2 -ot /tmp/dnsmasq.d/oisd.list ]; then
logmsg "No change in remote oisd list"
# Reformat the list with address= commands and remove whitelist entries
if [ -f /tmp/oisd/dnsmasq2 ]; then
# address=/example.com/# # Returns or :: for blocked domains
# local=/example.com/ # Prevents HTTPS (type65) queries from being forwarded
awk -F/ '$1 == "local=" { printf "address=/%s/#\nlocal=/%s/\n", $2, $2 } ' /tmp/oisd/dnsmasq2 | \
grep -vf /etc/oisd/whitelist > /tmp/oisd/oisd.new
logmsg "No blocklist found after download!"
exit 1
if [ -f /tmp/dnsmasq.d/oisd.list ] && diff -q /tmp/oisd/oisd.new /tmp/dnsmasq.d/oisd.list 2>/dev/null; then
logmsg "No changes to blocking list today"
rm /tmp/oisd/oisd.new
# Test if dnsmasq has any problems with the new blocklist before promoting it to the live blocklist
if dnsmasq --test --conf-file=/tmp/oisd/oisd.new >/dev/null 2>&1; then
logmsg "Restarting dnsmasq with new blocking list"
mv /tmp/oisd/oisd.new /tmp/dnsmasq.d/oisd.list
service dnsmasq restart
logmsg "dnsmasq did not like the new file"
exit 1
Nice script and excellent ideas.
I intend to review and amalgamate these ideas where applicable into adblock-oisd.
@castillofrancodamian the two major existing adblock solutions are overly complicated for my taste and lack some important features we've implemented in adblock-oisd. The oisd adblock basically just works and adblock-oisd is just a service script wrapper to use it and perform a whole bunch of sanity and safety checks.
gave -ash: logmsg: not found
for me but logger
worked to add to syslog.
That’s strange since the logmsg()
function is declared at the top of the script.