Adblock custom blocklists

I have installed the Adblock package and was able to select Easylist and EasyPrivacy lists, however there are a few other I'd like to add that are not in the selectable lists. How can I do that?
I want to add lists from these sources:

You should consider asking in a dedicated adblock support thread.

Or: search the web for "openwrt adblock readme". Click the github link for, and scroll (a lot) until you see the paragraph starting "To add new or edit existing sources ". There is an ugly but doable procedure. I only say ugly because it is not user-friendly and it is not preserved across upgrades.

A user may still need help from an adblock specific forum if a desired list is not provided in the format adblock needs.

Also: I believe 2 or 3 of OP's desired additions are already available through the luci dropdown selector if one has luci-app-adblock installed. [luci->services->adblock->overview->settings->blocklist sources->sources ]

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