Accessing SD Card in RavPower RP-WD03

Ah, it was the enabled option that I had to set to 1 - for some reason I thought that was only for auto-mount or something but that wouldn't make sense now that I think about it. Both drives are currently mounted - thanks!

Thanks, nice that it works
As said above, you have to unmount manually so have a clean sd card (especially when writing to it

@jplee3, I forgot that you had to pipe the output of 'block detect' and append to fstab. The details are in (Automount the partition).

Regards, Norbert

@badzz, installed new 00-media-change and successfully tested.

Thanks, Norbert

badzz, I'm not sure how to contact you to get my WD03 back to stock firmware. I flashed Openwrt without a backup. Now I need to flash back to Ravpower firmware.
Please message me with info if you have time, thank you in advance.


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