802.11s-related changes between 21.02.2 and 21.02.3? Problems with mesh after upgrade

Yes, I tried both firmwares. The mesh works fine as long as any one of the following conditions is true (OR conjunction):

  • OpenWRT 21.02.2 or earlier
  • Non-DFS channel
  • Non-ETSI domain

I need to use a DFS channel because the dedicated backlink radio of the AP only supports channels 100+. The non-DFS channels in that range have a very low TX power limit (which works, but results in a much worse SNR/lower bandwidth). Besides, no one uses channel 108 and I have had no problem with actual radar interference here.

Also, on principle, it is a regression in a bugfix release and I'd have thought at least the change causing it should be easy to pinpoint.