19.07.xx: Strange kernel jffs2 bug

For reference:

  • The management server runs this script to prepare offline sysupgrade and then upgrade remotely

Script name: /root/openwrt/remote_update.sh
Last updated: 2020-10-29
Verified working: 2020-10-29 on TP-Link Archer C7 v5 snapshot

# Command line
# 	sh "/root/openwrt/remote_update.sh" "IP" "19.07.4"
# 	sh "/root/openwrt/remote_update.sh" "IP" "19.07.4" dry
# 	ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key" "root@IP" "/bin/sh /root/opkg_reinstall.sh; reboot"
# Script configuration.
fetchPackageList () {
	# Syntax:
	#	fetchPackageList "[WEBSERVER_DIRECTORY]"
	# Global vars.
	# Called By:
	# 	fetchPackageLists
	# Variables.
	echo "[INFO] Downloading ${TMP_FPL_URL}/Packages.gz"
	TMP_FPL_RESULT="$(wget -q -O - -c "${TMP_FPL_URL}/Packages.gz" | gzip -d 2> /dev/null)"
	if [ -z "${TMP_FPL_RESULT}" ]; then
		echo "[ERROR] fetchPackageList: Failed to download and unpack ${TMP_FPL_URL##*/}/Packages.gz"
		return 1
	echo "${TMP_FPL_RESULT}" | egrep "^Package:|^Filename:" | sed -E "s^\^Filename:\s+^URL:"${TMP_FPL_URL}"/^" >> "${FP_PACKAGES}"
	return 0

fetchPackageLists () {
	# Syntax:
	# 	fetchPackageLists
	# Global vars.
	# 	[IN] ARCH
	# Called By:
	# 	fetchPackages
	# Check prerequisites.
	if [ -z "${FP_PACKAGES}" ]; then
		return 1
	echo "[INFO] fetchPackageLists"
	# Get dir listing and extract kmods/[KMOD_DIR_NAME], e.g. "4.14.195-1-b84a5a29b1d5ae1dc33ccf9ba292ca1d"
	# This information is also available from "/etc/opkg/distfeeds.conf" if we would unpack the new firmware image. 
	KMOD_DIR_NAME="$(wget -q -O - "http://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/${UPDATE_TO_VERSION}/targets/${TARGET}/generic/kmods" | grep -o '<a .*href=.*>' | sed -e 's/<a /\n<a /g' | sed -e 's/<a .*href=['"'"'"]//' -e 's/["'"'"'].*$//' -e '/^$/ d' | grep -v "^/" | sed -e "s/\/$//")"
	if [ -z "${KMOD_DIR_NAME}" ]; then
		echo "[ERROR] fetchPackageLists: Failed to determine kmods dir name on server."
		return 1
	rm -f "${FP_PACKAGES}"
	PACKAGE_LISTS_REL_PATHS="targets/${TARGET}/generic/packages targets/${TARGET}/generic/kmods/${KMOD_DIR_NAME} packages/${ARCH}/base packages/${ARCH}/luci packages/${ARCH}/packages packages/${ARCH}/routing packages/${ARCH}/telephony"
	for packagelistrelpath in ${PACKAGE_LISTS_REL_PATHS}; do
		fetchPackageList "http://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/${UPDATE_TO_VERSION}/${packagelistrelpath}"
		if [ ! "$?" = 0 ]; then
			return 1
	return 0

fetchPackage () {
	# Syntax:
	# 	fetchPackage "[PACKAGE_NAME]"
	# Global vars.
	# Called By:
	# 	fetchPackages
	# Variables.
	# Check prerequisites.
	if [ -z "${FP_PACKAGES}" ] || [ -z "${TMP_FP_PACKAGE_NAME}" ] ; then
		return 1
	TMP_FP_URL="$(cat "${FP_PACKAGES}" 2> /dev/null | grep "^URL:" | grep "/"${TMP_FP_PACKAGE_NAME}"_.*\.ipk$" | sed -e "s/^URL://" | head -n 1)"
	if [ -z "${TMP_FP_URL}" ]; then
		echo "[ERROR] fetchPackage: Package [${TMP_FP_PACKAGE_NAME}] not found."
		return 1
	echo "[INFO] Downloading ${TMP_FP_URL}"
	wget -q -O "${DOWNLOAD_DIR}/${TMP_FP_URL##*/}" "${TMP_FP_URL}"
	if [ ! "$?" = "0" ]; then
		echo "[ERROR] fetchPackage: Failed to download ${TMP_FP_URL##*/}"
		return 1
	return 0

fetchPackages () {
	# Syntax:
	# 	fetchPackages
	# Global vars.
	# 	[IN] ARCH
	# Called By:
	# 	MAIN
	# Variables.
	echo "[INFO] fetchPackages"
	if [ ! "$?" = 0 ]; then
		return 1
	echo "[INFO] fetchPackages: Downloading IPK files for offline update"
	PACKAGE_NAMES="ath10k-firmware-qca988x batctl-full kmod-ath10k kmod-batman-adv kmod-crypto-crc32c kmod-crypto-hash kmod-lib-crc16 kmod-lib-crc32c libopenssl1.1 librt wpad-mesh-openssl"
	for package in ${PACKAGE_NAMES}; do
		fetchPackage "${package}"
		if [ ! "$?" = 0 ]; then
			return 1
	return 0

scpDownloadFile () {
	# Syntax:
	# 	scpDownloadFile "[DEVICE_IP]" "[SSH_PRIVATE_KEY]" "[REMOTE_FILE]" "[LOCAL_FILE]"
	# Called By:
	# 	MAIN
	# Variables.
	# Create local parent directory.
	mkdir -p "${TMP_SDF_LOCAL_FILE%/*}"
	# Download file.
	scp -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "${TMP_SDF_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}" "root@${TMP_SDF_DEVICE_IP}:${TMP_SDF_REMOTE_FILE}" "${TMP_SDF_LOCAL_FILE}"
	return $?

scpUploadFile () {
	# Syntax:
	# 	scpDownloadFile "[DEVICE_IP]" "[SSH_PRIVATE_KEY]" "[LOCAL_FILE]" "[REMOTE_FILE]"
	# Called By:
	# 	MAIN
	# Variables.
	# Download file.
	scp -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "${TMP_SDF_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}" "${TMP_SDF_LOCAL_FILE}" "root@${TMP_SDF_DEVICE_IP}:${TMP_SDF_REMOTE_FILE}"
	return $?
# Verify SSH prerequisites.
if [ ! -f "${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}" ]; then
	echo "[ERROR] SSH_PRIVATE_KEY=[${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}] is missing."
	exit 99
chmod 0600 "${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}"
# Get command line params.
if ( echo "${*}" | grep -q "dry" ); then
if [ "${DRY_RUN}" = "1" ]; then
	echo "[INFO] DRY_RUN set."
# Verify command line params.
if [ -z "${DEVICE_IP}" ]; then
	echo "[ERROR] Param #1 DEVICE_IP missing."
	exit 99
## echo "[INFO] DEVICE_IP=[${DEVICE_IP}]"
if [ -z "${UPDATE_TO_VERSION}" ]; then
	echo "[ERROR] Param #1 UPDATE_TO_VERSION missing."
	exit 99
# Firmware download dir
echo "[INFO] Getting device info from [${DEVICE_IP}] ..."
scpDownloadFile "${DEVICE_IP}" "${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}" "/etc/board.json" "${BOARD_JSON}"
scpDownloadFile "${DEVICE_IP}" "${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}" "/etc/openwrt_release" "${OPENWRT_RELEASE}"
# Generate firmware download URL.
## Example: MODEL="archer-c7-v5"
MANUFACTURER="$(cat "${BOARD_JSON}" | grep "\"id\"" | cut -d '"' -f 4 | cut -d "," -f 1)"
## Example: MODEL="archer-c7-v5"
MODEL="$(cat "${BOARD_JSON}" | grep "\"id\"" | cut -d '"' -f 4 | cut -d "," -f 2)"
echo "[INFO] MODEL=[${MODEL}]"
## Example: ARCH="mips_24kc"
ARCH="$(cat "${OPENWRT_RELEASE}" | grep "^DISTRIB_ARCH=" | cut -d "'" -f 2 | cut -d "/" -f 1)"
echo "[INFO] ARCH=[${ARCH}]"
## Example: TARGET="ath79"
TARGET="$(cat "${OPENWRT_RELEASE}" | grep "^DISTRIB_TARGET=" | cut -d "'" -f 2 | cut -d "/" -f 1)"
echo "[INFO] TARGET=[${TARGET}]"
## Example: http://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/19.07.3/targets/ath79/generic/openwrt-19.07.3-ath79-generic-tplink_archer-c7-v5-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
if [ ! -f "${SHASUMS}" ]; then
	echo "[INFO] Downloading [${SHASUMS_DOWNLOAD_URL}] to [${SHASUMS}]..."
echo "[INFO] Checking for existing firmware image ..."
CHECKSUM_RESULT="$(cd "${SYSUPGRADE_IMAGE%/*}"; cat "${SHASUMS}" | grep "${SYSUPGRADE_IMAGE##*/}" | sha256sum -c 2> /dev/null)"
if ( ! echo "${CHECKSUM_RESULT}" | grep -q "OK" ); then
	if [ -f "${SYSUPGRADE_IMAGE}" ]; then
		echo "[WARN] Firmware image FAILED checksum test."
	echo "[INFO] Downloading firmware image from [${FIRMWARE_DOWNLOAD_URL}] to [${SYSUPGRADE_IMAGE}] ..."
	CHECKSUM_RESULT="$(cd "${SYSUPGRADE_IMAGE%/*}"; cat "${SHASUMS}" | grep "${SYSUPGRADE_IMAGE##*/}" | sha256sum -c 2> /dev/null)"
if ( ! echo "${CHECKSUM_RESULT}" | grep -q "OK" ); then
	echo "[ERROR] Firmware image FAILED checksum test."
	exit 99
echo "[INFO] Firmware image PASSED checksum test."
rm -f ${DOWNLOAD_DIR}/*.ipk
if [ ! "$?" = 0 ]; then
	echo "[ERROR] fetchPackages FAILED."
	exit 99
if [ "${DRY_RUN}" = "0" ] && [ "${UPLOAD_PACKAGE_CACHE}" = "1" ]; then
	ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}" "root@${DEVICE_IP}" "rm -rf ${REMOTE_PACKAGE_CACHE_PATH}; mkdir -p ${REMOTE_PACKAGE_CACHE_PATH}"
	for ipk in ${DOWNLOAD_DIR}/*.ipk; do
		echo "[INFO] Uploading ${ipk##*/}"
		scpUploadFile "${DEVICE_IP}" "${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}" "${ipk}" "${REMOTE_PACKAGE_CACHE_PATH}/${ipk##*/}"
		if [ ! "$?" = "0" ]; then
			echo "[ERROR] Upload FAILED."
			exit 99
	echo "[INFO] DRY_RUN flag set. Skipping package upload."
if [ "${DRY_RUN}" = "0" ]; then
	echo "[INFO] Uploading firmware image to device ..."
	scpUploadFile "${DEVICE_IP}" "${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}" "${SYSUPGRADE_IMAGE}" "/tmp/firmware.bin"
	if [ ! "$?" = "0" ]; then
		echo "[ERROR] Upload FAILED."
		exit 99
	echo "[INFO] DRY_RUN flag set. Skipping image upload."
if [ "${DRY_RUN}" = "0" ]; then
	echo "[INFO] Flashing image ..."
	ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "${SSH_PRIVATE_KEY}" "root@${DEVICE_IP}" "sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches; sysupgrade -v /tmp/firmware.bin"
	echo "[INFO] DRY_RUN flag set. Skipping flash."
echo "[INFO] Done."
exit 0

The OpenWrt device (TP-Link Archer c7 v2 / v5 run the following


# Put your custom commands here that should be executed once
# the system init finished. By default this file does nothing.

( /bin/sleep 30; /bin/sh /root/opkg_reinstall.sh ) &

exit 0



Script name: /root/opkg_reinstall.sh
Last update: 2020-10-29
Verified working: 2020-10-29 on TP-Link Archer c7 v2/v5

trap "" SIGHUP
# Command line
## sh /root/opkg_reinstall.sh force
# Notes
## opkg remove ath10k-firmware-qca988x kmod-ath10k kmod-batman-adv wpad-mesh-openssl; opkg remove batctl-full;
## opkg install ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct kmod-ath10k-ct
# Consts
# Note: If we log to "/root/" during "insmod", "opkg", "rmmod" commands affecting kernel modules, the kernel will panic and the device will reboot.
# Runtime vars
# -----------------------------------------------------
# -------------- START OF FUNCTION BLOCK --------------
# -----------------------------------------------------
logAdd ()
	TMP_DATETIME="$(date '+%Y-%m-%d [%H-%M-%S]')"
	TMP_LOGSTREAM="$(tail -n ${LOG_MAX_LINES} ${LOGFILE} 2>/dev/null)"
	echo "${TMP_DATETIME} $*" | tee -a "${LOGFILE}"

opkgInstall () {
	# Syntax:
	# 	opkgInstall "[PACKAGE_NAME]"
	# Online mode.
	if [ "${INSTALL_ONLINE}" = "1" ]; then
		RESULT="$(eval "opkg install ${@}" 2>&1)"
		logAdd "[INFO] opkgInstall: - ${RESULT}"
		if ( echo "${RESULT}" | grep -q "Collected errors:"); then
			return 1
		return 0
	# Offline mode
	for package_name in $@; do
		if ( ! ls -1 ${PACKAGE_CACHE} | grep -q "^${package_name}_" ); then
			logAdd "[ERROR] opkgInstall: Package missing in cache - [${package_name}]"
		IPKG_FULLFN="${IPKG_FULLFN} ${PACKAGE_CACHE}/$(ls -1 ${PACKAGE_CACHE} | grep "^${package_name}_")"
	if [ -z "${IPKG_FULLFN}" ]; then
		return 0
	RESULT="$(eval "opkg --cache ${PACKAGE_CACHE} install ${IPKG_FULLFN}" 2>&1)"
	if ( echo "${*}" | grep -q "kmod-" ); then
		# logAdd "[INFO] opkgInstall: Kernel module added. Will sleep a bit to avoid crash."
		sleep 10
	logAdd "[INFO] opkgInstall: - ${RESULT}"
	if ( echo "${RESULT}" | grep -q "Collected errors:"); then
		return 1
	return 0

opkgRemove () {
	# Syntax:
	# 	opkgRemove "[PACKAGE_NAME]"
	for package_name in $@; do
		logAdd "[INFO] opkgRemove: Removing ${package_name}"
		RESULT="$(eval "opkg remove ${package_name}" 2>&1)"
		if ( echo "${package_name}" | grep -q "^kmod-" ); then
			# logAdd "[INFO] opkgRemove: Kernel module removed. Will sleep a bit to avoid crash."
			sleep 10
		logAdd "[INFO] opkgRemove: - ${RESULT}"
		if ( echo "${RESULT}" | grep -q "Collected errors:"); then
			return 1
	return 0

runInstall () {
	# Syntax:
	#	runInstall
	# Global vars
	# Variables
	# If we are offline, check if we have a package cache available.
	if [ "${INSTALL_ONLINE}" = "0" ] && [ ! -d "${PACKAGE_CACHE}" ]; then
		logAdd "[ERROR] runInstall: We are offline but don't have a package cache available at ${PACKAGE_CACHE}"
		return 1
	if [ "${INSTALL_ONLINE}" = "1" ]; then
		logAdd "[INFO] Downloading package information ..."
		RESULT="$(opkg update | grep "http://" 2>&1)"
		logAdd "[INFO] opkg update: - ${RESULT}"
	# Add packages to the install and remove queue.
	PKG_TO_REMOVE="${PKG_TO_REMOVE} wpad wpad-basic wpad-basic-wolfssl"
	PKG_TO_INSTALL="${PKG_TO_INSTALL} libopenssl1.1 wpad-mesh-openssl"
	# Replace ct with non-ct drivers
	if [ "${INSTALL_WIFI_NON_CT_DRIVERS}" = "1" ]; then
		# Remove order is important
		PKG_TO_REMOVE="${PKG_TO_REMOVE} kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct"
		PKG_TO_INSTALL="${PKG_TO_INSTALL} ath10k-firmware-qca988x kmod-ath10k"
	# batman-adv
	if [ "${INSTALL_BATMANADV}" = "1" ]; then
		PKG_TO_INSTALL="${PKG_TO_INSTALL} batctl-full kmod-batman-adv kmod-crypto-crc32c kmod-lib-crc16 kmod-lib-crc32c kmod-crypto-hash librt"
	# Only install these packages if we are online
	if [ "${INSTALL_ONLINE}" = "1" ]; then
		# Base system
		PKG_TO_INSTALL="${PKG_TO_INSTALL} bash curl htop lua luafilesystem mailsend nano terminfo tcpdump wget"
		# FTP service
		# Relayd
		if [ "${INSTALL_RELAYD}" = "1" ]; then
			PKG_TO_INSTALL="${PKG_TO_INSTALL} luci-proto-relay relayd"
		# OpenVPN
		if [ "${INSTALL_OPENVPN}" = "1" ]; then
			PKG_TO_INSTALL="${PKG_TO_INSTALL} luci-app-openvpn openvpn-easy-rsa openvpn-openssl"
		# Syslog-ng, logd
		if ( echo "${HOSTNAME}" | grep -q "^${LOG_COLLECTOR_HOSTNAME}" ); then
			PKG_TO_REMOVE="${PKG_TO_REMOVE} syslog-ng"
		# USB storage drivers
		PKG_TO_INSTALL="${PKG_TO_INSTALL} block-mount e2fsprogs kmod-fs-ext4 kmod-fs-msdos kmod-scsi-core kmod-usb-storage libncurses libpcre"
	logAdd "[INFO] runInstall: Remove packages"
	opkgRemove "${PKG_TO_REMOVE}"
	if [ ! "$?" = "0" ]; then
		return $?
	logAdd "[INFO] runInstall: Install packages"
	opkgInstall "${PKG_TO_INSTALL}"
	if [ ! "$?" = "0" ]; then
		return $?
	return 0

waitForInternetConnection () {
	# Syntax:
	# 	waitForInternetConnection
	# Assume we can wait for internet connection if hostapd started fine.
	# If it did not start, we maybe miss internet connectivity via mesh.
	if [ -z "$(iw dev)" ]; then
		logAdd "[INFO] WiFi is not initialized"
		return 1
	# Give WiFi mesh interface time to connect and get internet connectivity.
	logAdd "[INFO] Waiting for WiFi to initialize"
	UPTIME_IN_SECONDS="$(cat /proc/uptime | cut -d "." -f 1)"
	sleep "${SECONDS_TO_SLEEP}"
	return 0
# ---------------------------------------------------
# -------------- END OF FUNCTION BLOCK --------------
# ---------------------------------------------------
# Check command line.
if ( echo "${*}" | grep -q "force" ); then
	exit 0
# Check if the script should run on boot.
if [ -f "/etc/_OPKG_INSTALL_COMPLETE" ]; then
	echo "[INFO] /etc/_OPKG_INSTALL_COMPLETE exists."
	exit 99
logAdd "[INFO] Checking internet connection ..."
if ( ! echo -e "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: downloads.openwrt.org\r\n" | nc downloads.openwrt.org 80 > /dev/null ); then
	logAdd "[INFO] No internet connection. Switching to offline mode."
if [ ! "$?" = "0" ]; then
	logAdd "[ERROR] One or more packages FAILED to install"
	logAdd "[INFO] All packages installed successfully"
logAdd "[INFO] Cleanup"
if [ ! -z "${PACKAGE_CACHE}" ]; then
	rm -rf "${PACKAGE_CACHE}"
if [ "${REBOOT_REQUIRED}" = "1" ]; then
	logAdd "[INFO] Rebooting device"
	reboot -d 3
	exit 0
logAdd "[INFO] Done."
exit 0

see above......

Newly erased block contains word... is likely a hardware issue-- the block was erased but then found not to be blank. Testing on different hardware should be considered.

Another possibility is the jffs is being overfilled, which causes a lot of strange things to happen. Don't let the jffs get overfilled.


@mk24 It's 47% filled at max. Really, I just thought the same like you at first but I have 4 to 5 MBytes free there. I can also reproduce it on another Archer C7v2. One hardware is months old, the other was bought back in 2016.

I thought again why it works executing the script via SSH and why the autorun way via /etc/rc.local brings up that kernel error. Maybe it plays a role if I have this " | tee -a ...log" after opkg in place that SSH will slow down the commands a little bit by waiting for the "screen output pipe". SSH isn't that fast than local execution without monitoring the terminal. I've had a similar issue on a third TPLink Archer c7 last year when I made the watchdog script which should monitor ath10k_pci failing via logread and then remove the kmod and readd it back without reboot to get WiFi working again. The watchdog does its job pretty well until today, but at my first try I also had a " > /root/mylogfile.log" in place behind the "rmmod" and "insmod" commands and I suffered kernel crashes then.

It all looks like the kernel is microseconds unavailable to serve the jffs2 filesystem and using exact that timeframe to write to it (because of the log pipe to /root/...) causes the above failure to occur. I'm sorry I cannot do any kernel debugging but closely observing and telling you there might be a bug.

So to sum up: Avoid to pipe "rmmod", "insmod", "opkg" output to a log placed on /root/... and the jffs2 "corruption" does not take place. I can read/write heavily on the whole partition if I don't do these things.

1 Like

So after doing more tests, I think this a multicausal problem. Because I did revert /etc/rc.local to NOT contain anything, the router flashes, comes up with the settings preserved, I'm looking at dmesg (in this case tested on 19.07.2) and always find the message

jffs2: Newly-erased block contained word 0x19852003 at offset 0x00000000

I bet this is NOT hardware failure. This is also exactly the same message (0x19852003) as in:

To get this nailed down to root cause and be able to report back to you, I need an exact info in which OpenWrt stable 19.07.xx release the fix mentioned in the other thread ( ref: https://github.com/gl-inet/openwrt/commit/4b1f073f843dc4be655a868f6a6e31f74baa727c ) is contained, if yet released. @mk24 Can you please shed some light?

1 Like

Did you notice that that code is not even from an OpenWrt repo?
It is from gl-inet's repo of their derivative firmware for their devices based on an old kernel version...
(Both the ar71xx target and also the kernel 4.9 have already been deprecated in OpenWrt)

@hnyman I'm just a user, so just deploying and upgrading devices when needed. I'm not so into it what which commit or repo means. Can you offer a solution because it seems to be exactly the problem I'm suffering.

  • I've tested on 19.07.2 upgrading to 19.07.2 -> jffs error occurs.
  • I've tested on 19.07.2 upgrading to 19.07.3 -> jffs error occurs.
  • I've tested on 19.07.3 upgrading to 19.07.3 -> jffs error occurs.
  • I've tested on 19.07.3 upgrading to 19.07.4 -> jffs error occurs.
  • I've tested on 19.07.4 upgrading to 19.07.4 -> jffs error occurs.

So it seems the SPI write flash issue is indeed a software issue. Testing around, I assume that during a sysupgrade the old kernel still boots one time, flashes the new image and then directly fires up everything without rebooting. So that might be why I'm experiencing the config loss on next reboot (no matter if my scripts do it or if I do it manually). If this is true, that explains why going from an unaffected firmware to another one works without the config loss, e.g. 19.07.4 to 19.07.4. That's why I asked for confirmation if OpenWrt did solve this issue in the meantime. Can you answer it? If OpenWrt didn't do anything about it, maybe it will return some day and all of us should be aware of this.

Just another thesis: It maybe that no one experiences the issue if only a "small" amount of overlay data is persisted during sysupgrade. I've got 9 MB overlay capacity and using only 3 MB of it to persist, so that definitely is well calculated and is expected to work. If not, OpenWrt (or kernel) has a bug and it should be investigated and fixed.

This is one of the drawbacks of MIPS memory-mapping. If you use memory-mapping to read data smaller than 32bytes from flash, then erase flash, and then use memory-mapping to read data smaller than 32bytes from the same location, the data will wrong.
As far as I know, the latest OpenWRT does not fix this problem.

1 Like

@luochongjun Can I avoid this issue somehow? I'm asking because ocassionally logging important things to /root/ from my 24/7 running bash scripts didn't cause any "config loss on reboot" issues over years. What's also unclear to me is why only /etc/config/* is lost while the rest, for example, /etc/passwd, /root/* and soon is still there. Before the second reboot after flash, everything - including /etc/config/ - is correctly in place. What could OpenWrt cause to just drop a valid /etc/config ? If I connect to after the config loss and reupload it from documentation, reboot, the config is well running (so no errors in it) and peristed across future reboots.

I think I'm having the same problem like described in [ SOLVED ] Getting error failed to sync jffs2 overlay where jeff posted that it's "bad timing handling the erasure mark on the tplink archer c7v5". What is different in my case is that the only jffs2 error in dmesg is the above mentioned "word at offset" thing. I do not get the "failed to sync overlay" message.

It can be reproduced scp uploading ca. 4 mbytes to the tp link archer c7v5's /root . Set sysupgrade.conf to persist /root . Upload openwrt-sysupgrade.bin image to /tmp and run sysupgrade -k via ssh. When the router reboots after flash (like @jeff described it as first reboot after flash in the topic) I had 28 failures and 3 successes trying the same procedure over and again. (This can be reproduced without using the offline installer scripts from my first post.) Failure means the jffs2 erase error message was there.

1 Like

Don't you think if someone took time to mention it, that it may be important?

  • Commit (or 4b1f073f843dc4be655a868f6a6e31f74baa727c) is the serial number the versioning system gave to the specific change/addition/removal of code to a repository (or code repo)
  • Repo (or code repository) is where you're downloading software from (it's kind of a security issue that you don't know where the code is from) - It means your script is not from OpenWrt, just look at the link. Have you asked GL-Inet?

The I'd suggest not developing a script to upgrade it. Simply use the normal sysupgrade method.

Sure, I even loaded the files manually to /root I need persisted and no matter what they are, I go to web Ui, flash upgrade, and the jffs2 error sometimes comes up and some times not . It has nothing to do with the scripts. If it would work fine the manual way in all cases the script would also be okay.

Having kilobytes to persist -- always works
Having megabytes to persist (part free over 70% still) -- often fails.

@lleachii please help correcting the bug

is this not a sysupgrade data size thing?


I'm not sure if you're purposely ignoring me; or didn't understand again...

...or perhaps the information you offered prior to tagging me wasn't in response to my post. I asked why haven't you inquired with the developers of these scripts (it isn't OpenWrt):


Are you sure you're calculating this correctly...because the sysupgrade image itself is bigger than the 3 MB you just quoted:

I'm estimating you have less than a few hundred KBs...before the sysupgrade bundles all persistent data.

I'm quite confused on how your logic always comes to a bug. Also, please be mindful, even if you use the approach to "scream" there's a bug to get assistance, you still have to clearly identity it. Lastly, why would OpenWrt investigate problem in code written by another firmware manufacturer - for their firmware? :confused:

Without your cooperation (i.e. mentioning things should work manually, but not informing us if things do work manually now) and gleaning information from the OpenWrt Wiki and this post, I'm simply starting to agree with @mk24 that you may have overfilled your device.

Can you actually provide the real free and file totals; and other information previously requested?

I think you'll find it's over 9 MB.

@lleachii I'm NOT using this gl-inet stuff , I use official openwrt stable builds, 19.07.4 for tpl archer c7v5 . So why getting a foreign image,discuss about foreign code or sth? Just the problem seems to be the same looking at glinet.

If I upgrade via web ui - problem. Via ssh sysupgrade, too.

Ssh, running df -h , find /overlay , du -sh /overlay made sure its not over filled. Having ca. 2.2 MByte filled before running sysupgrade, while it executes it goes up to 4.4, i guess because it backups things for later.

Sysupgrade image is bigger, but not relevant for the used space in the overlay. Web ui and myself if doing via scp places the image in /tmp/firmware.bin . There are over 50 mbytes free on it.

@lleachii do you need screenshots? Or is it enough if some experienced it expert says he's tested 2 days and is sure there is sth wrong and he has observed it correctly.

@Catfriend1, I'm lost at how you think someone has tested two days.

And if you're referring to yourself, please provide the solution in a code report, developer list, etc.. To reiterate, just saying "there's a bug" doesn't identify where it is; nor get it fixed. OK, [hypothetically], there's a bug...now where is it and what's the fix?

This is community-based support and you provide little and conflicting information. I've had the following draft post saved for those 2 days:


The script if from GL-INET! Look at your link:


GL-Inet does-not-equal OpenWrt. Are you identifying that code as the isue?

If so, locate the code in OpenWrt and note the bug there.

:open_mouth: /tmp and overlay are not the same...I'm not even sure how you honestly presented a number greater than 3 MB; but greater than your installed flash chip...hummm.

Yea, I think you may not understand.

@lleachii yeah your comments come up to me like side tracking my facts by interpreting my posts misunderstandingly and not willing to help. I'm no coder but admin and user. I know a lot from those perspectives about openwrt and I do know how to make a good bug report, investigate and clearly sum up what has proved to be wrong. I need help from a developer willing to take the report serious and looking at code with his expertise. I don't need your comments far away from doing so and accusing me why I can't communicate like a dev and do the bug hunting in code myself. I have done hours of flashing, resetting, starting afresh to prove there is a problem when openwrt handles the spi reads concurrently while restoring a 2 mbyte jffs overlay after sysupgrade. Period. Don't troll me. Let the others read , understand and help. You just did jump roughly over what I wrote in an offensive sounding way. I did not use glinet, so it's okay not to search if it is their bug too. But that is written there is a good pointer what could be the cause of this verified symptom in openwrt. If it's not useful, okay, then an expert needs to make theories, but the problem is real and will stay.

Please explain the Gl-INET link then (because I know I'm not the only once confused)...then you said:

So please explain what the link means???

Maybe this will help.


(A developer, or at least a Core Team Member, responded to you already! - See: Post No. 7 - You refused to explain why there's a GL-INET link.)

The link to glinet came up googling the jffs erase error message because I wanted to know (as openwrt user) if anyone else had the same or similar message in their dmesg. When I had read this, I thought this could also be a pointer to the root cause why it's happening with openwrt reproducibly on all of my 5 devices. Before finding that link with the exact same offset and wrong word mentioned I was also thinking the flash might be faulty. Now I know for sure that 5 devices cannot have the same "hardware fault" at the exact same offset by accident. It might be a kernel driver issue. Just wanted to give this ray of light to someone probably reading this and concluding "aha, it might be the spi read driver stuff for us at openwrt as well". I'm not arguing that both projects have a codebase in common where the other should care about. I'm only interested to see this problem fixed in openwrt in some future.

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