Category | Topics |
Release and security announcementsAnnouncements of new releases and security updates will be made here by OpenWrt staff members.
Installing and Using OpenWrtAsk questions about installing, using, configuring, and troubleshooting already-built OpenWrt firmware and packages on your device.
Hardware Questions and RecommendationsQuestions, advice and recommendations about which hardware to buy, performance, hardware-dependent functionality, hacking/modding of the devices etc.
For DevelopersAsk questions about building OpenWrt firmware. Ask for advice about adding a new device to OpenWrt, getting help compiling OpenWrt, using ImageBuilder, or creating custom configurations.
Talk about DocumentationTalk about OpenWrt documentation: comment on its organization, point out errors, or ask other questions about the information there. (This is not the place to add new documentation - please edit documentation on the main web site directly.)
Community Builds, Projects & PackagesAnnounce your custom builds, projects and packages that use/work with OpenWrt. Each community build, project, or package announcement should describe the best place for further discussion to occur.
Feature RequestsThis is the place to request for consideration new or modified features and capabilities to the OpenWrt developers for inclusion in future releases.
Site Feedback and Other QuestionsThe place for all other questions or discussions. If you're not sure where to ask, ask here and we'll get you to the right place.