OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: HELP!! HOW To reflash my wrt54gs ?

The content of this topic has been archived on 28 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I build a image with cvs branch and put in my wrt54gs v6 and I get one problem.
Now I can access my wrt via telnet only in safe mode
I don´t have tftp and /tmp ram disk monted.

I try unsucessfull: mount_root; mount /tmp

What I can do ??
(please don´t say to buy a wrt54L)
I whant put original firmware or any one that work.

Without /tmp ramdisk I don´t have space to download one bin file and use mtd. I have monted only /rom with 800k
and maybe 64k free and can get more 30k if I delete /www.


Ok now I have 7mb in tmp I mount with $mount none /tmp tmpfs -o size=XXX
How I can reflash my WRT ??
remember I don´t ipkg and I´m in safe mode only

Hmmm...well you can always try (pin 16 of Flash to Ground) shortaning trick, (which worked for my wrt54g v2.2) then tftp firmware.

But try that as your last resource!!!

wget a standard image of RC6 to /tmp then flash it using the mtd -r write firmware.trx linux command. Don't short the pins.

after mount /tmp I wget bin firmware and flash using the mtd.
Thanks Thepeople!!

The discussion might have continued from here.