OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: multi SSID, WPA, and Windows clients

The content of this topic has been archived on 15 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I'm playing with multi SSID under Kamikaze, with a Linksys WRT54GL. I built the code using buildroot-ng a couple of days ago, with a 2.4 kernel (since that was the default)

I tried the following wireless configuration based on another forum posting I saw:

root@OpenWrt:/etc/config# cat wireless
# Copyright (C) 2006

config wifi-device      wl0
        option type     broadcom
        option channel  5

config wifi-iface
        option device   wl0
        option mode             ap
        option ssid     OpenWrt
        option hidden   0
        option encryption none

config wifi-iface
        option device   wl0
        option mode             ap
        option ssid     OpenWrt-private
        option hidden   0
        option encryption wpa
        option key      xyzzy

root@OpenWrt:/etc/config# cat network
# Copyright (C) 2006

config interface loopback
        option ifname   lo
        option proto    static
        option ipaddr
        option netmask

config interface lan
        option ifname   eth0
        option proto    dhcp
        #option ipaddr
        #option netmask

config interface wireless1
        option ifname   wl0
        option proto    static
        option ipaddr
        option netmask

config interface wireless2
        option ifname   wl0.1
        option proto    static
        option ipaddr
        option netmask

root@OpenWrt:/etc/config# wifi up
/sbin/wifi: eval: 100: scan_interfaces: not found
/sbin/wifi: eval: 100: find_config: not found
eap_restrict: Invalid argument
eap_restrict: Invalid argument

Firstly, are these errors from "wifi up" something I can ignore? Or have I done something wrong?

Interfaces wl0 and wl0.1 are both created successfully, and with the correct IP addresses.

Next, from a laptop running Linux, I can use "iwlist eth1 scan" and I see both SSIDs. However both are marked as "Encryption key:off"

Under WhiteRussian I would have needed the package "nas". Is this needed for Kamikaze? If so, where can I find it?

Using the Linux laptop, I can join both networks correctly - the laptop can connect to either VLAN by selecting the appropriate ssid with iwconfig. Yay! But I still don't have encryption. (I couldn't test that anyway, as I've not been able to make wpa_supplicant work on this laptop)

Using Windows XP as a client, though, it fails. When refreshing the list of networks, sometimes I see "OpenWrt" and sometimes I see "OpenWrt-private", but I never see both on the same list. Both are described as "Unsecured wireless network". Trying to connect to the "OpenWrt-private" network fails (that is, I don't get "connected with limited or no connectivity", which means no DHCP lease was obtained, but it just doesn't connect at all).

Finally, the notes at say I need to use kmod-brcm-wl2, but the buildroot-ng only gives "<*> Broadcom WIreless Network Driver" as an option. Is there still a separate wl2 I should be using?

Has anybody got any more experience they can share in this area?

Thanks, Brian.

P.S. Supplementary information:

root@OpenWrt:/etc/config# ipkg list_installed
base-files-brcm-2.4 - 8-4872 -
bridge - 1.0.6-1 -
busybox - 1.2.1-1 -
dnsmasq - 2.33-1 -
dropbear - 0.48.1-1 -
iptables - 1.3.5-1 -
kernel - 2.4.32-brcm-1 -
kmod-brcm-wl - 2.4.32+ -
kmod-diag - 2.4.32-brcm-1 -
kmod-ppp - 2.4.32-brcm-1 -
kmod-pppoe - 2.4.32-brcm-1 -
kmod-switch - 2.4.32-brcm-1 -
kmod-wlcompat - 2.4.32+brcm-4 -
libgcc - 3.4.6-8 -
mtd - 4 -
ppp - 2.4.3-7 -
ppp-mod-pppoe - 2.4.3-7 -
uclibc - 0.9.28-8 -
wireless-tools - 28-1 -
wlc - -

Duh, I was being stupid: "nas" was already built and is in the bin/packages/ directory, waiting for me to install. Strangely, it has a dependency on 'nvram', which worries me - do I need to set some nvram values as well as /etc/config/wireless ?

Anyway, starting up again, I find nas is run automatically. Furthermore, 'iwlist eth1 scan' on a Linux laptop shows that encryption is now enabled:

          Cell 03 - Address: 00:16:B6:DA:72:20
                    Protocol:IEEE 802.11bg
                    Encryption key:off
                    Bit Rate:54Mb/s
                    Extra: Rates (Mb/s): 1 2 5.5 6 9 11 12 18 24 36 48 54
                    Signal level=-38 dBm
                    Extra: Last beacon: 6ms ago
          Cell 04 - Address: 00:16:B6:DA:72:20
                    Protocol:IEEE 802.11bg
                    Encryption key:on
                    Bit Rate:54Mb/s
                    Extra: Rates (Mb/s): 1 2 5.5 6 9 11 12 18 24 36 48 54
                    Signal level=-38 dBm
                    Extra: Last beacon: 6ms ago

Note: I have changed the PSK to xyzzy123, rather than xyzzy, so that it is at least 8 characters long.

However, Windows XP still won't connect: what I see is

Please wait while Windows connects to the 'OpenWrt-private' network

which sticks there and I have to press 'Cancel'. I wasn't prompted for the PSK.

So I commented out the first SSID completely from /etc/config/wireless and ran "wifi up", and then tried rebooting. This didn't make any difference - the Windows client still could not connect, even though I was running on a single SSID at this point.

However I still had two interfaces, wl0 and wl0.1, because that in /etc/config/network (see first post for contents of that). So just to be sure, I commented out the wl0.1 definition from /etc/config/network, and rebooted. I still got no connection. Finally I power-cycled the WRT54GL, instead of just rebooting it. Still no joy.

On a whim, I then set wl0_ssid and wl0_wpa_psk in the nvram and rebooted again. No difference.

So as far as I can tell, this isn't a multi-SSID problem; for me, WPA doesn't work between Kamikaze and Windows at all. I never even get prompted for a passphrase.

The errors given by 'wifi up' still are troubling:

root@OpenWrt:/# wifi up
/sbin/wifi: eval: 100: scan_interfaces: not found
/sbin/wifi: eval: 100: find_config: not found
eap_restrict: Invalid argument

I don't know what's wrong, here's a longer shell trace in case anyone knows what to look for:

root@OpenWrt:/# sh -x /sbin/wifi up
+ . /etc/
+ alias debug=:
+ N=

+ _C=0
+ reset_cb
+ config_load wireless
+ local DIR=./
+ _C=0
+ [ ! -e wireless -a -e /etc/config/wireless ]
+ DIR=/etc/config/
+ [ -e /etc/config/wireless ]
+ CONFIG_FILENAME=/etc/config/wireless
+ . /etc/config/wireless
+ config wifi-device wl0
+ local cfgtype=wifi-device
+ local name=wl0
+ _C=1
+ name=wl0
+ config_cb wifi-device wl0
+ config_get TYPE  TYPE
+ eval TYPE="${CONFIG__TYPE}"
+ export CONFIG_SECTION=wl0
+ export CONFIG_wl0_TYPE=wifi-device
+ option type broadcom
+ local varname=type
+ shift
+ export CONFIG_wl0_type=broadcom
+ option_cb type broadcom
+ return 0
+ option channel 5
+ local varname=channel
+ shift
+ export CONFIG_wl0_channel=5
+ option_cb channel 5
+ return 0
+ config wifi-iface
+ local cfgtype=wifi-iface
+ local name=
+ _C=2
+ name=cfg2
+ config_cb wifi-iface cfg2
+ config_get TYPE wl0 TYPE
+ eval TYPE="${CONFIG_wl0_TYPE}"
+ TYPE=wifi-device
+ append DEVICES wl0
+ local var=DEVICES
+ local value=wl0
+ local sep=
+ eval export DEVICES="${DEVICES:+${DEVICES} }wl0"
+ export DEVICES=wl0
+ export CONFIG_SECTION=cfg2
+ export CONFIG_cfg2_TYPE=wifi-iface
+ option device wl0
+ local varname=device
+ shift
+ export CONFIG_cfg2_device=wl0
+ option_cb device wl0
+ return 0
+ option mode ap
+ local varname=mode
+ shift
+ export CONFIG_cfg2_mode=ap
+ option_cb mode ap
+ return 0
+ option ssid OpenWrt-private
+ local varname=ssid
+ shift
+ export CONFIG_cfg2_ssid=OpenWrt-private
+ option_cb ssid OpenWrt-private
+ return 0
+ option hidden 0
+ local varname=hidden
+ shift
+ export CONFIG_cfg2_hidden=0
+ option_cb hidden 0
+ return 0
+ option encryption wpa
+ local varname=encryption
+ shift
+ export CONFIG_cfg2_encryption=wpa
+ option_cb encryption wpa
+ return 0
+ option key xyzzy123
+ local varname=key
+ shift
+ export CONFIG_cfg2_key=xyzzy123
+ option_cb key xyzzy123
+ return 0
+ config_cb
+ config_get TYPE cfg2 TYPE
+ eval TYPE="${CONFIG_cfg2_TYPE}"
+ TYPE=wifi-iface
+ config_get device cfg2 device
+ eval device="${CONFIG_cfg2_device}"
+ device=wl0
+ config_get vifs wl0 vifs
+ eval vifs="${CONFIG_wl0_vifs}"
+ vifs=
+ append vifs cfg2
+ local var=vifs
+ local value=cfg2
+ local sep=
+ eval export vifs="${vifs:+${vifs} }cfg2"
+ export vifs=cfg2
+ config_set wl0 vifs cfg2
+ export CONFIG_wl0_vifs=cfg2
+ include /lib/wifi
+ ls /lib/wifi/
+ . /lib/wifi/
+ config_get iftype wl0 type
+ eval iftype="${CONFIG_wl0_type}"
+ iftype=broadcom
+ eval type setup_broadcom
+ eval scan_broadcom 'wl0'
+ scan_broadcom wl0
+ local device=wl0
+ config_get vifs wl0 vifs
+ eval vifs="${CONFIG_wl0_vifs}"
+ vifs=cfg2
+ config_get mode cfg2 mode
+ eval mode="${CONFIG_cfg2_mode}"
+ mode=ap
+ ap=1
+ ap_if=cfg2
+ local _c=
+ config_set cfg2 ifname wl0
+ export CONFIG_cfg2_ifname=wl0
+ _c=1
+ ifdown=down
+ append ifdown vif 0

+ local var=ifdown
+ local value=vif 0
+ local sep=

+ eval export ifdown="${ifdown:+${ifdown}
}vif 0"
+ export ifdown=down
vif 0
+ append ifdown enabled 0

+ local var=ifdown
+ local value=enabled 0
+ local sep=

+ eval export ifdown="${ifdown:+${ifdown}
}enabled 0"
+ export ifdown=down
vif 0
enabled 0
+ append ifdown vif 1

+ local var=ifdown
+ local value=vif 1
+ local sep=

+ eval export ifdown="${ifdown:+${ifdown}
}vif 1"
+ export ifdown=down
vif 0
enabled 0
vif 1
+ append ifdown enabled 0

+ local var=ifdown
+ local value=enabled 0
+ local sep=

+ eval export ifdown="${ifdown:+${ifdown}
}enabled 0"
+ export ifdown=down
vif 0
enabled 0
vif 1
enabled 0
+ append ifdown vif 2

+ local var=ifdown
+ local value=vif 2
+ local sep=

+ eval export ifdown="${ifdown:+${ifdown}
}vif 2"
+ export ifdown=down
vif 0
enabled 0
vif 1
enabled 0
vif 2
+ append ifdown enabled 0

+ local var=ifdown
+ local value=enabled 0
+ local sep=

+ eval export ifdown="${ifdown:+${ifdown}
}enabled 0"
+ export ifdown=down
vif 0
enabled 0
vif 1
enabled 0
vif 2
enabled 0
+ append ifdown vif 3

+ local var=ifdown
+ local value=vif 3
+ local sep=

+ eval export ifdown="${ifdown:+${ifdown}
}vif 3"
+ export ifdown=down
vif 0
enabled 0
vif 1
enabled 0
vif 2
enabled 0
vif 3
+ append ifdown enabled 0

+ local var=ifdown
+ local value=enabled 0
+ local sep=

+ eval export ifdown="${ifdown:+${ifdown}
}enabled 0"
+ export ifdown=down
vif 0
enabled 0
vif 1
enabled 0
vif 2
enabled 0
vif 3
enabled 0
+ ap=1
+ infra=1
+ mssid=1
+ apsta=0
+ radio=1
+ eval setup_broadcom 'wl0'
+ setup_broadcom wl0
+ local _c
+ config_get channel wl0 channel
+ eval channel="${CONFIG_wl0_channel}"
+ channel=5
+ config_get country wl0 country
+ eval country="${CONFIG_wl0_country}"
+ country=
+ config_get maxassoc wl0 maxassoc
+ eval maxassoc="${CONFIG_wl0_maxassoc}"
+ maxassoc=
+ _c=0
+ which nas
+ nas=/usr/sbin/nas
+ nas_cmd=
+ if_up=
+ append vif_pre_up vif 0

+ local var=vif_pre_up
+ local value=vif 0
+ local sep=

+ eval export vif_pre_up="${vif_pre_up:+${vif_pre_up}
}vif 0"
+ export vif_pre_up=vif 0
+ append vif_post_up vif 0

+ local var=vif_post_up
+ local value=vif 0
+ local sep=

+ eval export vif_post_up="${vif_post_up:+${vif_post_up}
}vif 0"
+ export vif_post_up=vif 0
+ [ cfg2 =  ]
+ config_get_bool hidden cfg2 hidden 1
+ local _tmp
+ config_get hidden cfg2 hidden
+ eval hidden="${CONFIG_cfg2_hidden}"
+ hidden=0
+ eval _tmp=$hidden
+ _tmp=0
+ eval hidden=0
+ hidden=0
+ append vif_pre_up closed 0

+ local var=vif_pre_up
+ local value=closed 0
+ local sep=

+ eval export vif_pre_up="${vif_pre_up:+${vif_pre_up}
}closed 0"
+ export vif_pre_up=vif 0
closed 0
+ config_get_bool isolate cfg2 isolate
+ local _tmp
+ config_get isolate cfg2 isolate
+ eval isolate="${CONFIG_cfg2_isolate}"
+ isolate=
+ eval _tmp=$isolate
+ _tmp=
+ eval isolate=0
+ isolate=0
+ append vif_pre_up ap_isolate 0

+ local var=vif_pre_up
+ local value=ap_isolate 0
+ local sep=

+ eval export vif_pre_up="${vif_pre_up:+${vif_pre_up}
}ap_isolate 0"
+ export vif_pre_up=vif 0
closed 0
ap_isolate 0
+ wsec_r=0
+ eap_r=0
+ wsec=0
+ auth=0
+ nasopts=
+ config_get enc cfg2 encryption
+ eval enc="${CONFIG_cfg2_encryption}"
+ enc=wpa
+ wsec_r=1
+ eap_r=1
+ config_get key cfg2 key
+ eval key="${CONFIG_cfg2_key}"
+ key=xyzzy123
+ config_get server cfg2 server
+ eval server="${CONFIG_cfg2_server}"
+ server=
+ config_get port cfg2 port
+ eval port="${CONFIG_cfg2_port}"
+ port=
+ auth=2
+ crypto=2
+ eval cfg2_key="$key"
+ cfg2_key=xyzzy123
+ nasopts=-r "$cfg2_key" -h  -p
+ append vif_post_up wsec 0

+ local var=vif_post_up
+ local value=wsec 0
+ local sep=

+ eval export vif_post_up="${vif_post_up:+${vif_post_up}
}wsec 0"
+ export vif_post_up=vif 0
wsec 0
+ append vif_post_up wpa_auth 2

+ local var=vif_post_up
+ local value=wpa_auth 2
+ local sep=

+ eval export vif_post_up="${vif_post_up:+${vif_post_up}
}wpa_auth 2"
+ export vif_post_up=vif 0
wsec 0
wpa_auth 2
+ append vif_post_up wsec_restrict 1

+ local var=vif_post_up
+ local value=wsec_restrict 1
+ local sep=

+ eval export vif_post_up="${vif_post_up:+${vif_post_up}
}wsec_restrict 1"
+ export vif_post_up=vif 0
wsec 0
wpa_auth 2
wsec_restrict 1
+ append vif_post_up eap_restrict 1

+ local var=vif_post_up
+ local value=eap_restrict 1
+ local sep=

+ eval export vif_post_up="${vif_post_up:+${vif_post_up}
}eap_restrict 1"
+ export vif_post_up=vif 0
wsec 0
wpa_auth 2
wsec_restrict 1
eap_restrict 1
+ config_get ssid cfg2 ssid
+ eval ssid="${CONFIG_cfg2_ssid}"
+ ssid=OpenWrt-private
+ append vif_post_up vlan_mode 0
+ local var=vif_post_up
+ local value=vlan_mode 0
+ local sep=
+ eval export vif_post_up="${vif_post_up:+${vif_post_up} }vlan_mode 0"
+ export vif_post_up=vif 0
wsec 0
wpa_auth 2
wsec_restrict 1
eap_restrict 1 vlan_mode 0
+ append vif_post_up ssid OpenWrt-private

+ local var=vif_post_up
+ local value=ssid OpenWrt-private
+ local sep=

+ eval export vif_post_up="${vif_post_up:+${vif_post_up}
}ssid OpenWrt-private"
+ export vif_post_up=vif 0
wsec 0
wpa_auth 2
wsec_restrict 1
eap_restrict 1 vlan_mode 0
ssid OpenWrt-private
+ append vif_post_up enabled 1

+ local var=vif_post_up
+ local value=enabled 1
+ local sep=

+ eval export vif_post_up="${vif_post_up:+${vif_post_up}
}enabled 1"
+ export vif_post_up=vif 0
wsec 0
wpa_auth 2
wsec_restrict 1
eap_restrict 1 vlan_mode 0
ssid OpenWrt-private
enabled 1
+ config_get ifname cfg2 ifname
+ eval ifname="${CONFIG_cfg2_ifname}"
+ ifname=wl0
+ append if_up ifconfig wl0 up ;

+ local var=if_up
+ local value=ifconfig wl0 up
+ local sep=;

+ eval export if_up="${if_up:+${if_up};
}ifconfig wl0 up"
+ export if_up=ifconfig wl0 up
+ [ -z -r "$cfg2_key" -h  -p  ]
+ bridge_interface wl0
+ . /etc/
+ alias debug=:
+ N=

+ _C=0
+ reset_cb
+ include network
+ ls network/*.sh
+ scan_interfaces
/sbin/wifi: eval: 100: scan_interfaces: not found
+ find_config wl0
/sbin/wifi: eval: 100: find_config: not found
+ cfg=
+ [ -z  ]
+ return 0
+ bridge=
+ eval cfg2_ssid="$ssid"
+ cfg2_ssid=OpenWrt-private
+ mode=-A
+ [ cfg2 =  ]
+ [ -z /usr/sbin/nas ]
+ nas_cmd=/usr/sbin/nas -P /var/run/ -H 34954  -i wl0 -A -m 2 -w 2 -s "$cfg2_ssid" -g 3600 -r "$cfg2_key" -h  -p  &
+ _c=1
+ killall -KILL nas
+ wlc stdin
eap_restrict: Invalid argument
+ eval /usr/sbin/nas -P /var/run/ -H 34954  -i wl0 -A -m 2 -w 2 -s "$cfg2_ssid" -g 3600 -r "$cfg2_key" -h  -p  &
+ eval ifconfig wl0 up
+ ifconfig wl0 up
+ /usr/sbin/nas -P /var/run/ -H 34954 -i wl0 -A -m 2 -w 2 -s OpenWrt-private -g 3600 -r xyzzy123 -h -p
+ /bin/true

Any ideas what's going on there?



I've got exactly the same problem, and I've got build 5694 of kamikaze with nas installed...

This problem is also mentioned in this thread:
Like kamikaze is now, Windows clients can't connect to the box with WPA at all.. since this problem is mentioned already in august, haven't anybody come up with a solution?

Yes, I've just checked.... no "ifnamea" typo there...

Running wifi up and ps x:

root@Ruter:/sbin# wifi up
eap_restrict: Invalid argument

root@Ruter:~# ps x
  652 root        456 S   /usr/sbin/nas -P /var/run/ -H 34954 -i wl0

As the ticket describes, nas does not run with any -l device (even if I have this fix)...

I've tried starting nas manually as described in, but with no success. Still can't connect any windows client to the box. (Used nas -P /tmp/ -l br-lan -H 34954 -i wl0 -A -m 4 -k <password> -s <SSID> -w 2 -g 3600 &)

Does anybody have a nas command they know works? Could try starting it manually again...

(Last edited by h017ah on 6 Dec 2006, 15:54)

Made a comment on the ticket for getting it deleted, since this was my fault alone. WPA works great now with kamikaze, it was just me who misunderstood how to bridge the wireless network to the "lan" interface.

Here is my working WPA config wireless:

config wifi-device  wl0
        option type     broadcom
        option channel  3

config wifi-iface
        option network  lan
        option device   wl0
        option mode     ap
        option ssid     <ssid>
        option hidden   0
        option encryption psk
        option key      <key>

I created a new ticket for this issue at … figuration updated for clarity.

(Last edited by h017ah on 12 Dec 2006, 17:19)

So, you never got WPA to work with multi-SSID? My experience has been that WPA and multi-SSID do not work together.

nbd wrote:

Yes, you are right about incompatibilities with several different STA implementations. Especially Windows gets easily confused by this and often refuses to connect when different encryption types are used on different ESSIDs.
These capabilities do exist, although you typically have to tell the driver to broadcast only one ESSID, otherwise every single STA I know gets confused.
In the end, I don't consider this feature very useful because of all the problems that it creates for connecting clients.

If you want decent Multi-ESSID features, you should buy Atheros WiFi hardware instead, which supports multiple ESSIDs through multiple different BSSIDs.

According to this, Windows is the problem.

If you manually enter the wireless settings into windows it may work for you.

I just put Kamikaze 7.09 on a WGT634U and am now successfully running multiple SSID's wink
ath0 is using hostapd-mini for my local WLAN (WPA-PSK)
ath1 is using wpa_supplicant for my wireless routed-client WAN connection (WPA-PSK)

My PS3 appears to have a stable wireless connection but my laptop running XP Pro constantly associates/disassociates.

Here are my configs, hostapd and wpa_supplicant commands are generated by default Kamikaze scripts.

Any idea how to solve the XP problem?
It shouldn't be a MAC Address conflict since it appears that madwifi changes the first octet from 00 to 06 for ath1 automatically.

(Last edited by KillaB on 20 Feb 2008, 23:12)

In troubleshooting I moved my WGT out if range from the original AP and noticed that if my STA connection goes down, XP no longer detects my ath0 SSID.

This is very strange, anyone else with similar troubles?

I'm also interested in this subject.

So the conclusion is that we can't use Multi-SSID on broadcom if we have to use Windows XP clients?

Multi SSID can be used, but if you will have to manually configure windows in order to use it.

"Multi SSID can be used, but if you will have to manually configure windows in order to use it."
Yes you are right. It works by manually insert the SSID.

What's wrong? Is it something wrong in the OpenWrt Broadcom SSID that I can fix or as usual it is a Windows OS bug?



davide_lenza wrote:

What's wrong? Is it something wrong in the OpenWrt Broadcom SSID that I can fix or as usual it is a Windows OS bug?

The broadcom chip will only set up one mac address that is duplicated on each SSID.  Windows cannot deal with this properly.   With Atheros chips and madwifi multiple SSIDs also have multiple mac addresses.  Windows gets along better with this.

lschweiss, really thanks for your clear response.

Hi all!

The last few days i tried to discover the error in my configuration (WRT54GL, first DD-WRT then OpenWRT), because mutli SSID won't work as i expected. Now i know the reason. Grrr......

I have two SSID's configured, both with WPA2-PSK encryption. On Windows-Clients i can see BOTH WLAN correctly. I can connect to the "real" WLAN with no problems, but if i try to connect to the "virtual" WLAN, Windows tells me the WPA-Key is not correct, but it is.

Is this also the result of the broadcom-MAC issue?

Do i have a chance to connect to both WLAN properly, if i hide one SSID? (I can't test it till friday)


The discussion might have continued from here.