OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: DWL2100AP JTAG initialization macro

The content of this topic has been archived on 15 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


I'm new in this forum.

I have a bricked DWL-2100AP (after overwrite vxworks with redboot).

I'm trying to load redboot from JTAG and run from RAM using macraigor OCD commander.
However I think my initialization code is wrong cause the ram content is corrupted after downloading through OCD commander.

Anyone can help me to verify what's wrong with my macro file? thanks in advance.

; macro file for atheros ar2313 (AR5112)
; flash : 4MB
; sdram: 16MB
; OCD Commander settings:
;    Target Processor: MIPS, EJTAG 2.5, 32 bit
;    Connection    : USB0
;    OCD Device    : USB
;    OCD Speed    : 24MHz

mipsendian big

; initialize flash
word 0xb8400000 = 0xE1DEF

;initialize external memory
; page 36 prelim_AR2313.pdf
                                ; 1. wait 100usec ? how in OCD?
delay 1
word 0xb8300004 = 0x00000b03    ; 2. Set I and M Bits ( SDRAM: NOP)
                                ; 3. delay 200usec
delay 2
word 0xb8300004 = 0x00000b01    ; 4. Reset M Bits (SDRAM: Pre-ALL)
;word 0xb8300008 = 0x0000000a    ; 5. write 10 into refresh timer register
word 0xb8300008 = 0x00000010    ; 5. write 10 into refresh timer register
                                ; 6. 80 clock cycles ???how
delay 1
word 0xb8300008 = 0x0000057e    ; 7. Refresh timer = 15.625 * 180 /2 
word 0xb8300004 = 0x00000b02    ; 8. Select command write mode (I=0, M=1)
;word 0x80000000                    ;     Read from SDRAM0 ??
word 0xb8300000 = 0x006c0008    ; 9. MEM_CFG0
word 0xb8300004 = 0x00000b00    ;10. Clear M and I
;verify SDRAM written data
word 0x80000000 = 0x12345678
word 0x80000000

the data read back from 0x80000000 is 0x56781234 as oppose to 0x12345678 (memtest command failed too)

fixed. please ignore this thread.

The discussion might have continued from here.